Chapter Two:

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As Cassidy and Amy wait at the terminal for their flight, they got bored and decided to check out what the airport had to offer. Cassidy saw a wall of R5 magazines and headed straight for them while Amy picked up five packs of Redvines.

Cassidy had her nose in a magazine while Amy threw a Redvine at her head. When Cassidy turned around, she saw Rocky Lynch walking away from the store and to our terminal. Before Amy could realise what happened Cassidy was already running after him.

“Rocky! Rocky!” Cassidy screamed as Amy tried to catch up.

When they got to the terminal, Cassidy finally caught up to him to realise it wasn’t Rocky Lynch; it was their classmate Austin from science.

“Sorry Austin, I think Cassidy has had her head in too many R5 magazines recently,” Amy said embarrassed.

All Austin could do was laugh it off. After giving them both hugs they said good bye only to realise our plane was already boarding. Cassidy and Amy ran as fast as they could just to make it in time for final boarding.

As they sat down on their plane Cassidy took out 3 of her magazines while Amy slept the whole way there. After the 5 hours of flying Cassidy and Amy were glad to see the ground.

They got their bags and headed for the front of the airport to meet Cassidy’s aunt. She had a huge smile on her face which was obviously faked and Cassidy didn’t seem pleased either. Amy on the other hand was so excited she was practically running.

We got all of our bags in Aunt Heather’s car when she started to explain where she lived. She explained she lived in a suburb with parks all around. Her house had a pool and 4 bedrooms.

“Screw this” Cassidy huffed under her breath.

Aunt Heather hearing Cassidy intervened trying to make it seem better. “And, there’s a family with of teenagers next door! Maybe you can make some friends!”

As we pulled up in the drive way Cassidy rolled her eyes and Amy’s light up. Amy ran in the house dropped her bags and ran back out to find Cassidy reading another R5 magazine. 

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