Chapter Fourteen:

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Rydel looked terrified at the condition of the kitchen. There wasn’t a clean spot anywhere. The floor was covered in flour, sugar, and egg, while the walls were coated in a thick layer maple syrup and jam. “Mom and Dad will be home in two hours! If you don’t have this cleaned by then I’m going to show Cassidy and Amy all the embarrassing photos and videos of you!” Ross’ eyed widen remembering the video of him and Riker when they in Aladdin together. “No worries Rydel, we’ll have it done right away!” Without hesitation Ross jumped up and starting cleaning.

Cassidy and Amy were giggling at the site of the boys frantically cleaning up the mess they had made. Rocky was wiping the wall down with a cloth when he hit a slippery spot on the floor and fell over. Cassidy ran to his side to make sure he was okay. “Rocky, you ok? It looks like that hurt pretty bad. Do you need help up?” She was trying to sound as worried as she could but she kept laughing in-between her words. She offered her hand out for Rocky to take, when he did he pulled Cassidy right down with him catching her and pulling her into his side kissing her cheek and she tried to squirm away.  “Rocky your parents will be home any minute; we have to get this clean!” Rocky laughed under his breathe at this and whispered “Oh, hush up and kiss me” Cassidy obeyed connecting her lips gently to Rocky’s tasting the hint of sugar and syrup on his mouth from the fight.  

Ross and Amy noticed this and gave each other a knowing look. They then simultaneously backed out the kitchen closing the door, “DON’T BE SILLY, WRAP YOUR WILLY” Amy teased as the door closed. Ross quietly laughed as he glanced at Amy. Ross’ hand brushed against Amy’s as they walked past Ryland and out back door to their backyard.

“I don’t understand you, Lynch” Amy stated bluntly as she sat on a lawn chair that was just outside the pool. “Um... What?” Ross said comprehending what Amy had just said. “I don’t understand you, you seem so cool, collected, and confident-“ “Don’t forget sexy” Ross added in interrupting Amy’s sentence. “As I was saying you seem so put together, like you would have no problem around girls but you seem so stand offish around me… Do you not like me?” Amy questioned, you could hear the sadness laced in her voice as she looked shyly at Ross trying to make eye contact. “I- I, I do like you, a lot” Ross stuttered astounded at the simple question Amy asked, with what seemed to be no effort. “Well, I like you a lot too.” Amy smiled, she looked away to hid her extremely flushed face.

 “Well since that is settled we can do this…” Ross swiftly moved closer to Amy, putting his arm around her shoulders, their faces lingering inches away from each other’s. Amy closed her eyes as Ross got closer to her face. As she did that Ross picked her up bridal style and jumped into the pool with her still in his arms.  As Amy came to surface she was frustrated and embarrassed, she spotting Ross coming up to the surface about a metre away. “OH YOU’RE GOING TO GET IT NOW!” Amy threatened, Ross just laughed at how furious she was. “Don’t you go head butting me in the stomache now. Come on Amy you’re a shortie.”  Amy was trying to be mad at Ross but you could see a subtle smile lingering on her lips. “Want a hug? Would that make you happy?” “No. I’m trying to be mad at you” Suddenly getting an idea the blond light up like a light bulb on Christmas, “How about we pull the ultimate prank, after we get dried off and find dry clothes!”  “What kind of prank?” Amy asked as she jumped out of the pool looking down at her now drenched body. “A prank no one will be able to forget or out-shine again."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2012 ⏰

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