Chapter Ten:

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They crawled up the large tree, jumped in the window, and just laid there. They laid there and stared at each other for a few seconds, replaying the night over and over again in their heads. Finally, they just smiled enormously, and started screaming giggling at once, not really listening to each other, just talking over the other. Once they came to a mutual pause, Cassidy sat up and looked directly at Amy.

     “Have you even gotten a kiss from Ross yet?” she asked, puzzled. “Not yet,” Amy replied, “unless you count a few on the forehead and the cheek…. Although, we’ve only know them for 2 days, and not everyone has the ambition you do,” she said with a wink. “Just give it time. It’s PRETTY clear how much he likes you!” Just then, Amy’s phone went off. It was, of course, Ross and Rocky.

Ross: And where did you lovely ladies disappear to?<3 We got worried when we woke up and you weren’t there. L

Amy: Sorry babe!<3 But when we woke up we freaked out because we weren’t supposed to fall asleep!

Ross: Oh yea, that wasn’t the plan. We were SUPPOSED to be the good boys that walked our dates home. ;)

Amy: It’s all good! We snuck back in just before Heather woke up! J

Ross: Oh that’s good, you won’t be grounded for our date today! ;)

Amy: No worries <3 we’ll be there I promise. I miss you already.

Ross: I miss you too. I know I’ve only known you for two days but I haven’t been able to get you out of my head, you’re amazing.

Amy: You make me speechless<3 :$

Aunt Heather yelled up stairs to Cassidy and Amy to come help her un-pack the kitchen. They ran downstairs and put on their favourite playlist and spent the whole day unpacking and talking about R5. They were having so much fun dancing around and unpacking that time flew by.

Ross: ready for another surprise? ;)<3 btw I’m still waiting for that kiss.

“CASSIDY, OUR DATE…” Amy exclaimed, causing Cassidy to jump up and book it to the shower.

Amy: We’ll see... <3

Ross: We’ll pick you up in an hour, I can’t wait to see you. Rocky won’t shut up about Cassidy. But I’ll see you in a hour, cause we have to go set everything up<3 bye gorgeous.

Amy knocked on the bathroom door “CASSIDY WE ONLY HAVE AN HOUR!” she panicked. As Amy threw everything out of her suitcase to find something to wear Cassidy got out of the shower. “Well what are we doing?!” Cassidy asked. “Ross wanted to keep it a surprise” Amy said disappointed.

“Are you ever going to kiss him?” Cassidy said

“I don’t know, I’m nervous I don’t want to screw this up” Amy said worried. 

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