chapter 7

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•Justin's P.O.V.•

It's Friday and I kissed Sara on Wednesday. All day at school, all everyone could talk about was Chaz's party tonight. It's after school and I'm in my room getting ready for the party.

I looked in the mirror. I'm wearing regular dark blue jeans, a red plain t-shirt with black supras.

"Justin! Your friends are here!" My mom said from downstairs.

"Coming!" I yelled back. I brushed my hand through my hair and I grabbed my keys and my iPhone 4S. I closed my door and walked downstairs. Ryan was in the kitchen with my mom. He was eating brownies my mom made earlier, and I'll admit, they're the best I've ever had.

"Ready." I said as I grabbed a brownie and took a big bite into them. They were the perfect amount of sweet. Ryan nodded and we both hugged my mom goodbye before we got in Ryan's car and drove to Chaz's place.

•Sara's POV•

I looked in the mirror at what I was wearing for Chaz's party tonight. I had a red strapless dress on that was tight all around. Topped off with my hair that was straight with little curls in the bottom and I was wearing black heels. My skin was tan as always and my mocha eyes shined against it. My makeup was quite simple. My eyebrows were shaded in and my foundation looked natural. The blush on my cheeks were very little. I had mascara and my eyelashes were curled.

"Sara hurry up. Everyone is already there." Kayla said as she laid on my bed watching my get ready.

"Alright, let's go." I said as I grabbed my black handbag which carried my mascara, mirror, eyelash curler, money and my iPhone. We went downstairs and found my dad on the couch watching the hockey game.

When I was 12, my mom was diagnosed with depression and when I was 13 she killed herself by driving the car into a lake. Ever since, my father and I rarely go out without each other. We are afraid if we go out without each other, if one of us dies the other would be alone. It explains my lack of my social life.

"Hey Mr. Greene." Kayla said as soon as we entered the living room. My dad looked up to face us. He knew about the party and after a lot of convincing, he finally agreed to let me go.

"We're leaving, kay dad?" I asked as I grabbed the car keys off the key holder by the coat rack.

"Be careful. And don't kiss any boys." He told my very seriously.

"Justin." Kayla said as she faked coughed. I turned around and gave her the death stare. I'll get her back later.

"Wait. Justin Bieber? The one with the split parents." My father asked. I nodded my head and looked away. I heard him sigh. "Alright be back by 11." He said, knowing we would talk about him later. I kissed and hugged him goodbye before I set out to the party with Kayla.

My dad is an ex-marine with muscles to prove it. Many boys would admit, he is a scary man. He was 5'9 with dirty blonde hair with green eyes just like mine.

"We're here." Kayla said as she parked across the street of Chaz's house. You were able to hear the music from outside of the house.

"Alright, let's go." I said as I took off my seatbelt and got out of the car. Kayla and I walked across the street.

•Justin's POV•

Kayla walked in first. She wore a blue dress that was tight from the waist up and the waist down was flowy. Then Sara walked in and my mouth dropped down to the floor.

"Close your mouth, you might catch flies." Chaz said in my ear. I closed my mouth and blushed. Sara looked so sexy. She said hi to everyone, and when we locked eyes she turned away and blushed.

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