chapter 9

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•Sara's P.O.V.•

I opened my eyes and I saw the ceiling lights and I looked to my side and I saw a doctor talking to another doctor, but I couldn't hear them. My eyes then closed again, making everything go black.

I guess a few minutes later, I opened my eyes again and I was in a room, sitting up on a bed. There was a wire going up my nose, I felt it. I looked down my arms and they had two different needles in the crease of my arm. I looked at my right hand I saw two other needles in them. I looked at my index finger and there was something on it, I wasn't sure what it was. I look up and the news was on. I looked down and I was in a hospital gown with hospital blankets from my waist down. I looked out the window and it was still dark. I looked over at the corner and that's when I saw him. My dad was sitting in the corner next to the window. We made eye contact and he got up and started talking, but I couldn't hear him. My dad then pressed a button and a nurse came in behind a doctor. He started talking and in the middle of his sentence, I heard a loud painful ring and my hearing came back. I winced at the pain in my ears from the loud ringing.

"Can you hear me now?" The doctor asked once my face cleared of the pained expression.

"Yea. How long was I out for?" I asked the doctor.

"Two nights ago you were in a horrible car accident, causing you to be in a minor coma since then." The doctor explained. I nodded my head as the memories came back. I remembering telling Justin to watch out then getting hit. Then getting hit again. Last thing I heard was Ryan scream in pain.

"How's Ryan? How's Justin?" I asked worriedly.

"Ryan is fine, he only suffered from a broken leg and minor bruises and cuts. He was the one that actually called the ambulance." My dad said.

"And Justin? How's he doing?" I asked them.

"He had to get 5 stitches on his forehead, he has some bruised ribs, broke his pinkie finger on his left hand, and had a dislocated shoulder. But we fixed all of that. You got the worst." The doctor said.

"What happened to me?" I asked.

"You had stitches on the right side of your face, on your right arm and on left shoulder. You also have bruised ribs." He said. "Well you just need some rest." The doctor said walking out, the nurse behind him.

"You scared me." My dad said bringing the chair closer so he was able to sit next to me.

"I'm sorry, dad. I just needed to get out." I explained.

"Hey how is she doing? Oh, look who's up." I looked over at the door and there stood Ryan leaning on his crutches. My dad stood up and motioned for him to sit down. Ryan nodded and as soon he was settled, he turned his attention to me.

"How you feeling?" He asked me. On his right side of the forehead, there was a cut that stopped in the middle of his cheek.

"Fine. How are you doing?" I asked.

"Good." He said. I nodded my head, not knowing what to say. "I could only talk for a few moments, I have an appointment downstairs."

"What for?"

"They want to see if they're going to do surgery or just put a cast on my leg. That's why I have this mobilizer."

"C'mon Ryan you can't be late. Hey Sara hope you get better." Ryan's mom said as she walked out.

"Alright, see you later Sara." Ryan said getting up.

"Bye." I replied as he walked out. My dad then sat down on the chair and gave me a serious look. Darn it, I already know what he's going to say.

"I don't want you to see Justin anymore."

Told you. He thinks Justin just meant to hurt me, and how he's just trouble, but really my dad is wrong.

"No. Dad it's not his fault."

"He nearly killed you!"

"You think he meant to hurt me? Dad, he would never do that! Justin will never willingly hurt me! It wasn't his fault!"

"Why are you defending this boy who willingly speed on the road?!?" My dad questioned me.

"He's my best friend. He won't do that." I said. I glared at him with anger and he did the same.

How could my father think Justin meant to hurt me? To injure me? Justin wouldn't want me hurt, and he would never mean to hurt me. If he would've knew what happened that night, I'm sure he would prevented the crash. But the fact that he didn't knew means it was an accident and my dad doesn't get that. The nurse then knocked on the wall letting us know she was coming in. She then gave me some medicine in a cup.

-3 days later-

I'm now at home. They sent me home yesterday and I'm in perfect condition. Just no p.e for the rest of the semester, but hey who's complaining? Right now I'm just laying down on my bed watching tv in my room while my dad is making dinner in the kitchen.

Ever since the day in the hospital, we haven't talked about Justin since. We've been texting. A lot. I think I just might have more than a crush on him. All I need is my dad to stop being mad and Justin to ask me out, and life would be good.

"I'm going to the store to get groceries. Dinner is ready, we'll eat when I come back." My dad said as he entered my room.

"Alright." I replied. He nodded and moments later, I heard the car drive away. I quickly grabbed my phone and texted Justin.

Come fast. Like now

Sent 8:13 pm

I sat in my room and waited. And waited. And waited.

Knock Knock.

I got off my bed and jogged down the hallway, ran down the stairs and walked down the little walkway to the door. I opened the door and there stood Justin. I then attacked him with a hug. I heard him wince in pain.

"The shoulder." Justin said as I pulled out of the hug.

"I'm sorry." I said looking down at my shoes.

"It's alright." He smiled making me smile.

"Come inside." I said. He then walked in as I closed the door behind him. We then walked up to my room in silence. As we entered my room we sat on my bed.

"I'm sorry." Justin said abruptly.

"It's not your fault."

"Yes it is. You warned me about speeding. I got in the accident because I was careless and I caused the crash. I hurt you. I'm really so-" I crushed my lips against his, making his arms wrap around my waist almost instantly. "What was that for?" He asked as I slowly 'pulled away after a while.

"To shut you up." I blushed looking down. He then grabbed my chin making me look into his honeycomb eyes.He leaned in and slowly kissed my lips slowly. It seemed as if our lips moved in sync perfectly. My hands then messed with his hair as he pulled my body closer to his. We soon stopped for air.

"Sara, I'm back!" My dad yelled from downstairs as I heard the front door close.

"Damn." I whispered. I then heard my dad walk up the stairs. "C'mon." I said grabbing Justin's hand. I then pushed him into my closet and closed the door. I quickly sat on my bed and turned the tv on.

"You ready to eat?" My dad said as he walked in. He then have me a questioning look.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. Let's go eat." My dad said shutting it off.

"Be down in a minute." I smiled at him. He then closed the door as I heard him walk down the stairs. I ran over to my closet and opened it.

"How am I going to leave?" Justin asked.

"Stay put. I'll think of something. I'll text you during dinner. Just stay in my room." I said. He then nodded and I walked out of my room.

"Let's eat." My dad said as he was sitting down on the table as he waited for me, food not touched. I nodded and sat down.

•Chapter end notes•

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