Chapter 13

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*Justin's P.O.V.*

"Listen,I'm not with Sabrina. In fact, I hate her. I-I wish I never wasted my time with her when I could've been with the one I actually love. You. Sara I love you so much that it hurts me to know you can walk down the street and have guys stare at you, give you their number, or ask you out because your not mine. I want so badly for us to be each other's. I want all of you. Every single thing about you drives me absolutely nuts, I constantly think about you. My heart beats a million times faster when I'm with you. my hands get sweaty from me being a nervous wreck, you wanna know why I get nervous?"

"It's because I have this massive fear of losing you. And the craziest part of it all is that your not even mine. We're not even dating. And it's making me go crazy. I need you. You keep me sane. You make me feel like I'm floating on cloud nine and not even a plane can knock me off. I just, I just need you. Please give me a second chance. No screw ups, no drama, no nothing. Just the two of us having an amazing time and enjoying ourselves together, as a whole." I said staring into her, now teary, mocha eyes.

"J-justin. If you really love me than how could you go over Sabrina's and let her give you that hickey?" She asked, her voice cracking.

"I didn't wanted her to give it to me, trust me. She basically mouth raped me. I only want you Sara, no one else, just you." I said honestly . I felt hot tears stream from my eyes and onto my cheeks. She stared at me for a few agonizing seconds before she stepped forward and hugged me.

I sighed in relief, hugging her tightly to my chest.

"Does this mean you forgive me?" I asked , still keeping her as close as possible to me.

"I guess. It doesn't mean I fully trust you yet, you need to earn it back." She said, but it came out muffled considering her face was buried into the chest.

"I'm fine with that. I'm going to do everything in my power to gain your trust back, because I love you." I said leaving a kiss on the top of her head.

"I love you too Justin." She whispered , loud enough for only me to hear.

A huge grin spread across my face. She loves me. Sarah Greene loves me. Justin bieber.

"Where does this leave us then?" I asked.

"I guess were together. But you haven't asked me yet so i don't know. " she said unsure.

"Well, Sarah Greene, will you do me the honors of being my girlfriend?" I asked nervously.

"of course I'll be your girlfriend ."

•••chapter end notes•••

Sorry it's short, but I feel like no one is reading this .

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