Chapter 15

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* Sara's P.O.V.*

"So, Sara , we called this dinner to discuss something with you." Jessica, my dad's girlfriend, said placing her silver wear back down onto her dish. I nodded and looked at her so she knew she had my full attention.

"Um, well, you see me and your father have very demanding jobs, as you know, and I'm being transferred out of Canada and into New York. Your fathers company has another office in the area of my relocation , so we bought a pent house." She finished, looking between me and my dad. I nearly chocked on the chicken I was chewing.

"What?" I asked in disbelief once I swallowed.

"Don't worry, you can still live here. In fact we decided you are old enough to live here on your own until the end of senior year than off to college. Once your in college we'll be selling the house and you can come visit us in our pent house in New York from time to time if studies allow." She explained.

I sat there for a moment, letting it all sink in.

This was all so much, yet so exciting.

I couldn't help, but let smile spread across my face.

"Seriously!?" I squealed. Both of them chuckled and nodded.

"Dead serious. Now, this doesn't mean we want boys sleeping over or having massive teenager parties every night ." My dad said sternly . I giggled and stood up wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Don't worry daddy, nothing to spectaculars will happen without you here." I joked. He chuckled and placed her hand on my interlocked ones.

"I'm going to miss you. Your so grown up and mature, your mother would've been very proud of you." He smiled. I smiled sadly, knowing how much he missed my mom, Jessica is great and all, but my mom can never be replaced no matter how good her cookies are.

"Thank you daddy, I love you."


'Can we talk? I have exciting news!'

I sent the text to Justin before locking my iPhone and going back onto my tumblr.

I was looking for room inspiration, I mean I'm about to have a whole house to myself and it'll be needing some personalization once all my dad's stuff and Jessica's stuff is moved out.

I felt my phone buzz from next to me so I unlocked it.

'Sure, want to come here? Or want me to come to you?' I read.

'Ill come. Be there in 10.' I sent before shutting down my Mac book , standing up off of my bed and placing it down onto my white wooden desk.

I walked over to my closet and put on an outfit. (Pic on side).

Walking down the stairs I took my keys from my purse.

"Hey Jessica, I'm going over to Justin's to tell him the news." I smiled. She nodded and smiled back.

"Okay sweetie, just make sure you come back before 11." She replied before flipping through her cooking magazine at the island counter in the kitchen.

"Okay,bye." I said before walking out the door and into my white range rover.


" hey pattie." I smiled, giving her a hug as me and Justin walked into the living room.

"Hi honey, how are you?" She asked, hugging back.

"I'm good, you?" I asked pulling back. Justin wrapped one of his arms around my waist and pulled me into his side.

"I'm good thanks for asking, I'll leave you two alone." She smiled before walking into the kitchen.

Justin spun me around so I was facing him and he pecked my lips.

"So, what was the good news?' He asked, smiling down at me.

"My dad and Jess are moving to New York !" I squealed happily. His smiled faded and his eyebrows furrowed. "What?" I asked confused.

"B-but that means your leaving me?" He asked sadly. I giggled and shook my head 'no'. " then where are you going to live?"

"By myself. In my house." I smiled. His smiled returned and he leaned down, capturing my lips between his. I pulled away after a few minutes. Both of us gasping for air.

"Baby, that's amazing ! We can spend so much more time together now without any interruptions!" He cheered , wrapping his strong arms around me.

"I know. It's amazing." I breathed out, closing my eyes and leaning into his chest.

"God , I love you so much."

I slightly inhaled a breath , I've been think about this. About what I'm going to do. Im ready, I'm sure Justin's way past ready. So I'm just going to get It out.

So I said those three little words that I knew would greatly affect the both of us.

" I love you too Justin."

•chapter end notes•

I don't really know what to put here.

Anyone watch that pretty little liars premier tonight? Insane. Shauna , that was totally not swaggy.

Okay , bye, idk if anyone even reads this (or the story) so bye,

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