chapter 8

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•Sara's POV•

"Sorry dad I'm late. There was traffic leaving Chaz's house." I said as soon as I got in the house. Kayla dropped me off and speed off.

"Let me check you." He said. I gave him my purse, knowing the routine. He was checking for drugs and as soon as he was done, he gave it back to me. I grabbed my hair and pulled it up as if I was making a ponytail. He looked around my neck and nodded. "So how was the party?" He asked as we walked down the hallway.

"It was good," I said as I took off my heels and left them on the foot of the stairs. I then put on my slippers and walked further down the hallway and we were soon into the kitchen. "A lot of my friends were there. Kayla and I danced a lot. She got some guys number, Marcus I think, yea that's his name and he's taking her out to Starbucks on Tuesday." I said as I grabbed water from the fridge and sat down on the chairs by the counter and drank the water.

"Was Justin there?" My dad asked as he plopped both arms on the counter across from me and leaned on it.

"Mmhm." I said as I drank water.

"So why did Kayla say his name when I told you not to go around kissing boys." He asked me. I knew he was going to ask about him sooner or later.

"It's nothing dad." I said closing my water and getting off the chair walking down the hallway again.

"It's not nothing if she said his name." He said as we reached the foot of the stairs. I stepped on the first step and turned around to face him. "Well?" He said crossing his arms.

"Ugh fine. We kissed." I said quickly turning around and jogging up the stairs before he could say anything else. I went into my rooms and changed out of my red dress into blue pajama pants and a gray t-shirt that had Ariana Grande's Yours Truly cover on it. I looked at my phone and remembered I had to FaceTime Justin. I pulled up Justin's contact and pressed 'FaceTime'. It then starting ringing and after a few moments later it starting connecting.

"Hey Sara." Justin smiled once he answered. His phone was leaning on something and he was sitting at his desk. He was shirtless and was probably only wearing boxers. That's how he sleeps.

"Hey Justin." I said smiling back. Just then someone threw a pillow at Justin and someone started laughing. Then Ryan popped up on the screen.

"Hey Sara." He said. Then Justin pushed his face so he could see the screen.

"Hey Ryan. Let me guess you're sleeping over?" I asked smiling. Ryan then moved the phone to face him.

"Yup. Let me guess. You're facetiming your boyfriend." He said looking at Justin. We both blushed and Justin nervously laughed grabbing the phone and moving it back to him.

"She not my girlfriend." He said.

"Yet." Ryan said laughing.

"Shut up." Justin and I said at the same time.

"Hey I'm going to be-" My dad said as he walked in. I turned around to face him. "Who you talking to?" He asked as he came closer.

"Justin and Ryan." I said as I grabbed my phone and showed him my screen. He nodded his head and closed my door. "Sorry." I said as I turned my attention back to my phone and setting it on my pillow. I then grabbed another one and laid on my stomach and plopped my head on the pillow.

"So what are you guys doing tonight?" I asked them.

"Ryan is sleeping over," Justin answered, "maybe in a bit, when your dad is asleep, we could go to your house and pick you up?"

"Sure." I said smiling. I've never sneaked out before and I've heard multiple stories on how fun it is and how people like that feeling of rush and excitement. I kind of needed some in my life.

"Okay. We're leaving. I'll text you when we're there, see you in a few." Justin said waving. I waved back and he hung up the call.

I got up and slowly opened my closet. I grabbed a sweatshirt and put it on my pillow. I put the hoodie on it so it looked like I was sleeping. I then tucked the pillow under my blanket with the top part showing. I took my pajama pants and shirt off and replaced it with light wash jeans and put on a lifeguard sweatshirt along with chestnut uggs. I then heard my phone vibrate against the desk.

Justin Bieber

We're here. Come outside :p

Received 11:48 pm

I locked my phone and quickly slipped on my low top black converse. I walked out of my room quietly and down the stairs. I grabbed my house keys and walked outside. The cold air stung my face and I was able to see my breath. I walked down the little path to the curb in front of my house where Justin's truck was waiting. He waved and I smiled back as I quickly walked towards the car, wanting to get out of the cold. I opened the passenger seat and sat on down. I then put on my seatbelt.

"Hey." Justin smiled as he started to drive away. He had grey sweatpants on that had elastic ankle bands on the bottom and a dark red sweatshirt on with the hoodie. His golden hair was messy and all over the place.

"Hey. Where's Ryan?" I asked.

"Right here!" Ryan then said popping out of the back seat. I then screamed, not knowing he was there.

"Geez, Ryan, you fucking scared me." I smiled turning back to look at him. "So what do you want to do?" I said looking at Justin and Ryan.

"MC-DON-ALDS!" Ryan basically screamed in my ear making the word have three syllables.

"Let's do it." Justin said smiling as he was speeding. I looked at his speed meter and he was going 96 on a 47 mph area.

"Justin, uh, shouldn't you well slow down. You can get a ticket." I said nervously.

"Nah we're fine." Justin smiled looking at me then speed up a little faster.

"Aye, tell her the story you were telling me as we were going to pick her up." Ryan said smiling.

"Alright so when I saw 12, Chaz and I had a stupid idea," Justin said keeping his eyes on the road, "to stand on his roof and try to make a basket from there."

"And?" I asked. They always do stupid stuff and I love to hear stories on how they're brilliant ideas always end up backfiring or getting them in trouble.

"Chaz's foot fell through the roof." He said looking at me and laughing. I laughed just because I could imagine them panicking and how Chaz was probably freaking out.

"Justin, eyes on the road!" I said as I light was coming at us full speed on Justin's side.

"What?" He said looking at me.

"Justin!" I screamed at the light became a car honking at and hitting us full speed.

The airbag then popped out and I heard Ryan scream in pain. Then I saw another light on my side and the car hit us full on. Everything went black and blank. I knew I was dead.

Please lord if I'm dead, take care of my father. I then lost consciousness.

•Chapter End Notes•

(Credit- Veronica Fang-)

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