Chapter 12

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*Justin's P.O.V.*


I let my eyes scan over my outfit once more before inhaling a sharp, shaky breath.

This was it.

In an hour I'll either be left heart broken or the luckiest man alive.

"JUSTIN! Come here!" My mom yelled from down stairs. I rolled my eyes and quickly ran my hand through my nearly done hair.

My supras squeaked on the floor boards as I made my way towards the living room.

"Yeah mom?" I asked plopping down on one of the black leather love seats we had arranged to face the one my mom was sat on.

" honey, where are you going tonight?" She asked taking a sip go her coffee.

"I'm going to the movies with Sara ." I said fiddling with my black iPhone 5s in my lap.

"Greene? " she asked smiling, I nodded. "You two finally going out? Oh wait, doesn't she have a boyfriend?" She asked.

You see, my mom loves Sara like she's her daughter. They get along really well and most of my family already knows her too from when she would come over in the summer and my family who visit often were here a lot too.

They all love her too and every time they see me they tease me about having a huge crush on her, which I never try to deny because they'll see right through my lies.

"I'm asking her out tonight. And her old boyfriend was an ass." I stated rolling my eyes. She gave me a scolding look when I said 'ass'.
"Mom, he was abusive to her, ass is probably the nicest name on the list for people like him." I said. She gasped and put her coffee mug on the table.

"Sexually?" She asked clearly intrigued at this new information.

"I don't think so. I mean I hope not. But from what I saw and heard it was physical only." I sighed.

"That poor girl. Bad enough she doesn't have a mother, and now this." She shook her head staring down at the floor.

"He's the second boyfriend she's had that hit her." I said . Just as she was about to say something my phone rang.

"I'll be right back."I said standing up. I answered my phone once I got back into my room and brought the phone up to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Justin?" I heard the voice that I hoped to never hear again, well you know what they say,dream big.

"What do you want Sabrina?" I seethed, annoyed at just the sound of her voice.

" can you come over? I really need help." She said. I rolled my eyes. Probably a trap to 'seduce' me.

"Listen. I have a date with Sara tonight. I can't come over to your house to help you with something that's probably not important." I scoffed .

"Please." She said and started crying. I hate when girls cry. It's my biggest weakness.

"I guess. I have to be quick. " I said , my tone of voice softening.

"Okay. Thanks. Bye." She said hanging up.

I stuffed my phone into my hoodie pocket and grabbed my keys off my dresser.

"Tell Sara I said hello!" My mom said once she noticed the front door opening by me.

"I will! Bye mom!" I called closing the door and jogging to my car.

"Sabrina, I'm not a plumber" I sighed looking down at her broken pipe that was connected to her bedrooms bathroom sink.

"I know." She said putting her hand on my chest and smirking. "I just wanted to get you over here." She smiled. Before I could ever ask why, he lips smashed onto mine and her arm wrapped around my neck, restricting me from pulling away.

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