chapter 10

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We park at at a restraunt parking lot.


"Yes master"

He reaches into his pocket with my me confused.
"Will you marry me Cipher" he gives me pleading eyes as he opens a box with a gold ring in it.

I start to tear up from happiness
"Yes master! I will!" I hug him from excitement and joy. He hugs me back and then kisses me and I ofcourse kiss back.
His tongue goes into my mouth and I wasn't angry about him not asking at all.

Once we stop kissing we both smile at each other.
"And one more question"

"What is it"

"Want to be in a bdsm realonship? I'll give you time to think about it if you want"

"I'd like that, you would be the best master in the world"

He smile at my answer
"You know all the rules of bdsm?"

"Yes master"

"Ok pet~" he smiles "now lets go eat"

We get out the car and hold hands as we walk in.

"Party for two" master tells the lady at the register.

She gives us a look
"You better put on shirts that say 'hes just my friend' or people will think your gay"

I could basically sense master's fury
"Listen bitch, we are gay so go suck your husbands dick oh wait your too much of a bitchy slut for someone to have possitve feeling for you.  Hoe"

The woman throws her fist on the wall.
"I have a finance!" She fusses

"I'm sorry he's blind and deaf"

"That's it I quit this fucking dumb job" the woman throws her nametag off and stomps out the door.

Dipper smiles at winning the argument.

"Let's just eat without dealing with no one else"

I nod my head and we get back in the car and he drives us back home

"What do you want me to cook" I ask when we get back into the house.

"I'll cook for us. Just go wait I the living room"

"Oh Okie" I smile and sit on the couch patiently

*45 minutes later*

"Foods ready" I hear master call I run into the kitchen.

I see a bowl on the floor beside a chair with a plate on the table.

"I made spaghetti. There's your bowl" he points to the bowl. I remember the bdsm.

He sits in his chair and ears his food with a fork while I stick my face in the bowl of spaghetti.

It could be even better, but I knew master was so proud of it.

We both finished and we put the dishes in the sink and master wipes my face off with a towel.

"Did you enjoy it blueberry?"

"Yeah I loved it"

"That's what I was hoping for" he smiles.



"C-can we just go to sleep now, I'm really sleepy from all the excitement today?"

"Ofcourse" he holds my hand as we went to the master bedroom and lay down in the bed and snuggle tightly together.

Sorry the last part was so fucking short but I hope it was good

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 25, 2017 ⏰

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