★Chapter 1

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Pleasure comes in different ways. Mine comes in the prick of a finger. And the piercing of
fangs in my wrist.


My heavy eye lids fought to open, so I could at least get a glimpse of my surroundings. Everything was a blur at first until my sight became clearer. I was in a cage, that sat on top of another cage, my hands were chained to it. Beside me was another cage, and on top of me was also another cage. Where the fuck am I?
I thought to my self. Then everything from last night came rushing back to me. I was taken! I was fucking taken! If only I had listened to my aunt and brought my papers. No no no, this can't be happening. I held onto the bars of the cage and shook it, wincing as the cage door rattled on its hinges.

I screamed.

What else can I do?

"No stop please. I beg of you."
I ceased screaming. Cautiously I turned my body, in the direction of the voice.

It was a cute girl, with dirty blond hair, hazel eyes. In those hazel eyes. Laid fear, distress, terror and...innocence.

She was wearing ripped blue jeans, and a dirty tank top that was torn at the shoulders.

"If you scream they won't sell us at the auction." She whispered.
Why the fuck would I want to be sold? I want to go home to my aunt who's probably worried sick.

"Why do you want to be sold?" I prod. Why am I even talking to this dumb girl? And that's when I realized she was but a girl about thirteen to fourteen years old.

"Because I do not want to spend another day in here. They whip us every day. Your lucky you came in last night. They won't be whipping today. They will be auctioning off."

"How long have you been in this shit hole?"

"Two weeks."
Two weeks of whipping? No wonder she looks so beat. Get it? beat.

Seriously Em? Your making jokes now?

I scold my self.

"What's your name?" I asked the timid girl. She seemed hesitant at first but then she turned to me fully, "Zoe,"

Forgetting the circumstances I gave the girl a reassuring smile, which she tried to return.

"How did you...get...t-taken?" I stuttered.

The girl stiffens and averts her gaze. A lone tear rolled down her flushed cheeks. And that's when I realized I had hit a nerve.

Immediately a pang of guilt constrict in my chest.

Without thinking I shoved my hand through the bars of the cage and covered the girl's dirtied hand. Her gaze met mine as she began to cry.

"Th-they k-killed them..." She sobbed while rocking back and forth.

The girl started muttering incoherent sentences while sobbing. I averted my gaze to the door and that's when two words rang in my ear.

"Their coming."

Was the words.

Without thinking I repeated, "Their coming,"

The girl quickly stopped sobbing and turned her gaze solely on me.

She asked both scared and shocked.

"Their coming," I voiced once more. I don't know how but I knew they were coming. There were fogged images in my mind now of men and boots. The tension in the air was deafening. I wanted to get out of this steel cage. Like this instant. I felt claustrophobic. Like I couldn't breath. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and trained my eyes on the door. I wasn't suffocating anymore, I was weary. I could feel the girl's eyes on me. The feeling of her eyes on me was making me weary.

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