★Chapter 15

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"Choose your words carefully,"


Axel took slow predatory steps towards me, his gaze calculating.

"I asked you a question.”
He stated calmly. Too calm.

I stared at him wide eyed.

He could end me this second.

"I... I." I was lost for words. My once functioning brain now a thing of the past.

"You know. I am very lenient with you..." He said, his steps advancing.

I looked away guiltily, knowing it was true.

"I... I..."

"You're what? Sorry?" He asked, a sinister smile tugging at the corner of his lips as he took another step.

Did I mention that each step he took I took one back? Another step and I'd be against the wall.


"That won't cut it..." His words hung in the air as he rushed forward.

My body colliding with the concrete wall.

A yelp escaped my lips as pain surged through out my limbs, my breath coming out shallow.

Axel held me up against the wall by my neck.

His eyes blood red.

Instinctively I clawed at his hand, attempting to pry it away, but it was to no avail.

His vise like grip tightening.

My lungs fought for air. With his free hand he stroked my hair.

"You insulted me in front of the my brother... I could easily lose my title... It would be a shame if I didn't punish you," Leaning in he breathed in the smell of my hair.

"Your sent is... Different, some how."
He said, moving his head back as he studied my quivering figure.

"Tell me... What are you?"
He whispered in my ear, his voice dropping an octave.

"I. C-can't. B-br-eath." I managed to choke out. With a frown he released his hold, just enough for me to breath. In huge gasps I sucked in air, closing my eyes as I tried to focus my brain on my current situation.

The hole I single handedly dug.

My throat burned as my head throbbed with pain.

"Pet?" He asked, a hint of concern was etched into his voice as he stared at me his expression unreadable.

"Ax- Master..." I managed to breath out my throat raspy.

"What are you?" He asked again, his voice even lower.

What are you?

The words rang through my head. I didn't answer.

"A banshee? A witch? What?"
He questioned his face contorting into one of confusion.

Without thought I mirrored his expression.

"I don't... Know what... You're talking about," I said still struggling to clear my dry throat.

Leaning in once more, he let go of my neck and just breathed at my exposed vein.

His breath hot against my neck.

Despite my pain, warmth ran through out my body and settled at a specific area.

I had no idea what to think.

Was he about to bite me?

Was this where I met my demise?

Snapping my eyes shut tightly and holding my breath, I braced my self for what's to come.

For what usually came when a vampire hovered over your vein.

But the pain I awaited never came...

Instead a warm tongue slid over my vein, the feeling sending sparks through out my body.

Sparks I've never imagined were real.

A fire ignited in my being, as another lick was placed on my tender skin, among that more followed

My senses sky rocketed as an involuntary moan slipped pass my lips, knots contorting in my stomach.

This was pleasure I had neither felt nor dreamt of.

The touch of his mouth was no more and so was the feeling. But that didn't wipe my dazed expression away as I opened my eyes.

I stared into his eyes, as he did mine. All I saw was red. A mixture of emotions battled among that red.

"Definitely a banshee," he said, before turning away, I watched his retreating figure until it was no more, as he disappeared through the door.

Leaving me baffled.

Silence drowned out the thoughts in my head, the only sound of life was my heavy breathing.

How did things escalate this quickly?

A/n: *hides behind a wall?* Sorry for not updating in time😭 its just I have exams coming up. So yk....

*peeks around corner* I'm sorry for the short chapter😭
But I hope u like it.

F O R 4.57k😱😱😱😱

A/n: Hey guys! Ik this might be weird to some of you all, but I'll at least try. So I can't write anymore because I need a new phone and I dont have a laptop. So I'm asking you guys, can y'all try help me with making funds for buying a new phone/laptop so I can write? It's okay you don't have to but just in case please PM me for info.
Please donate through my PayPal link here➡ paypal.me/SMairs and if you don't use PayPal please hmu about other ways if helping. Thank you so much guys, I love you all soooo much💕😇 the link is also on my profile if you can't access it here thank you so much🌠🌟

PET | A Vampire Novel | ONGOING | #thewattys2020 #thegemawards Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz