★Chapter 2

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The moon is my sun,

The night is my day,

lood is my life,
And you are my prey.
From: PET

I was dragged down the stage, to meet 'Lord Axel'. As they call him. Lord my ass. I'll never call him lord. He will always be a leach.

"Hello, Emily."

A tall man, dressed in a black suit greeted.

I assume this is Axel,
I hung my head low, and ignored him.

"So you do not talk?" He said almost tauntingly.

Still I refused to acknowledge him.  For if I did, I would only tell him to fuck off.

"Will you pay in cash or do you have a card?" The lady from the auction questioned.

"I'll send a check, later today. Now hand me her leash."

He attached a leash to the collar around my neck. I was guided out of the building.

Awaited the man I was supposedly bounded, was a shiny black limbo.

Tinted windows... He liked privacy?
This man must be filthy rich.

For most teens being privileged to drive in a limbo was 'the shit'. Here I was getting this chance.  My friends would be blown out of they're minds if they found out I got this 'opportunity'. But reality was... I was never going to see my friends again. I was never going back to my old life. 

Every where was dark. There was no form of lighting, except for what shown, from the building we stepped out of.

He gestured to the limo as the driver opened the door.

"I'm not entering your limo." I said firmly.

"I am not asking you to enter, I am ordering you to. Now get you're silly little butt in the vehicle."

"One. I do not take orders from you. Two. You do not own me and three. My butt's not little!"

He paused for second. All seriousness drain from his face. And scanned my figure.

"You are only correct about one thing. You certainly do not have a little ass. However you are incorrect about the other two. I bought you which means I own you. Now get into the car before I loose my temper."

And he went straight back to master mood.

I pouted, and entered the limo. In a split second he entered through the other door. "Tints up. Home." He ordered the driver. The tints between the driver and us slowly slid up. And the limo started moving. After a minute of silence the man spoke.

"My name is Axel. But to you I am Lord Axel or Master. Got it?"

I frowned, and folded my arms across my chest.

I knew I was playing with fire but darn,  I just wanted to be in control of something.  I was owned for Christ sake!

"I will not tolerate your childish attitude!" his voice was stern.

Firmly he gripped my right arm, guiding me to the car.

"Don't touch me. You blood sucking bastard." I raised my voice. Attempting to release my arm.  It was to no avail.

"Haha. You are just full of surprises, Pet. I am not a bastard. My parents were married before gave birth to me. And secondly. It is not your place to talk to me like that." He said in an a assuring but, smooth tone.

Pet? Who the fuck is he calling pet?

"How long until, we reach where we're going. Masterrrr?"

"Glad to know you finally can obey. Thirty minutes. And do not think that I did not analyze the sarcasm in your tone." He said with a smile. Analyze? "Oh and pet. I will be obeyed." He said in an assuring, tone. I'm really tired of this. "Who the fuck are you calling Pet?" I asked with arrogance in my tone. "You." That's it? Nothing more? He just said a simple you. This dude is no fun.

I finally turned around and took in his features. He had long silky black hair, Silver eyes, high cheek bones, his ears were pierced, one of his full pink lips were pierced also. Looks like Lord Axel is a freak. I giggled to my self. "You do know I can hear you right?"


"I can read your mind pet."

Great! The freak can read minds too.

"I heard that." He said while gazing out the window. And flashing his, needle sharp fangs.

----->>HAPPY THOUGHTS<<-----


PET | A Vampire Novel | ONGOING | #thewattys2020 #thegemawards Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz