★Chapter 18

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There isn't enough darkness in the world to quench the light of one small candle for beyond is the infinite morning of a day without tomorrow.

A/n: feel free to point out errors.

“Well hello there. What? Pet? is that what he calls you?”

Maybe following that maid here was a bad idea.
The excuse of a vampire chimed, his usual sickly sweet smile in place.

Keeping my head fasted onto the table I pretend as if I was asleep.

“Hmm,” he hummed.

I wince as my head was wrenched back by a vise like grip, forcing me to blink rapidly  as a wrenching pain surges through my head.

The friction causing my neck to crane painfully.

Grunting I attempt to free my head from his grip,
“You pretend to not hear me?” he clucked his tongue before continuing,

“I'm afraid your disobedience wont work.” he pulled my hair harder, as if to make a point.

“You don't cry?” he said scanning my red distressed face.

“Hm... What? You don't talk either?” he hauled my hair back once more.

A gut wrenching pain shot through my head but still I refuse to cry.

I will not give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry.
I say to myself.

“Even when your roots are beetroot red you still refuse to cry?” he chuckles.

“Cry!” he booms.

That devilish smirk  never leaving his face.


“Cry and I'll let it go,” he says as if to answer my question.
He tightens his hold.

The desire to cry out wafted through my thoughts, I have to cry, I need to.

But no tears came.

“Cry!” he bellowed, the walls clenching, submitting to his unwavering will.

His face was deathly pale, his eyes cobalt red, his teeth clenched, tiny lines formed at his brows, as a bead of sweat rolls down his temple.

“Fuck you!” I manage to croak.

It sounded strangled, it was strangled.

“Oh? So it speaks?” He says through clenched teeth.

I clamp my eyes shut. Tightly.

The pain is unwavering...

“Your red to roots but you insist on keeping your tears welled up?”

I grip the chair handles tightly.

Tears pricks at my eyes almost painfully but, I will them away.

“Elias...”I hear Axel say, his voice dripping with undeniable hatred.

My heart involuntarily speed up at the sound of my Masters voice. The scalding pain that battled at my roots was the least of my problem now.

Of course it hurt like a bitch, but the yearning that tugged at my heart strings peaked my attention more, why is my heart racing like this?

He is here.

Elias chuckles as he wrenches my head back impossibly further.

At this point, I can't...

A blood curdling scream rips from my lips, as a surge of electricity tears through my body viciously, eating at my limbs almost greedily.

I can vaguely hear glass cracking in the distance as I snap the chair handles I was clutching on to.

Elias's grip on my hair was no more as he was viciously slammed into the wall with a force that rattled the chandelier on its binds.

I crane my neck to the side, trying to get at least a glimpse of the damage Axel has done.

But as I stare at Elias's quivering figure that lays slumped against the wall as multiple glass splinters painfully rested into his skin, I realize that Axel hadn't move from the doorway.

In fact Axel stood dumbstruck his body rigid as he drinks in the barely breathing vampire's form.

I cover my mouth as a gasp slips past my chapped lips.


What could've caused this? My eyes dart around as I drink in the a room that was lavish and pristine mere seconds ago, shattered glass covered the room like a dangerous sheath, a large crack resonated on the wall from Elias's slumped figure to the 20ft ceiling.

Pet,” I hear Axel murmur, too dumbstruck to care I glance at the snapped chair handles laying stiffly on the carpeted floor.

I gasp as the only thing we can't live without but won't fight to receive was stolen from lungs, I fall backwards into the sharpened splinters, not an ounce of pain disturbing me.

I watch in a blur as Axel rushes over to me, black spots clouding my vision, before I am left in the abyss, the depth of darkness.


“You can't run from me.” he stated as he leaned dangerously close.


I'm back! Cupcakes!!!

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