★Chapter 20

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This chapter is dedicated to @beaparis98 , thanks for being an awesome reader❤

Comment your playlist😁🍭❤


A week...

How could I be out for a week? I simply fainted.

A frown tugs at the corner of my lips.

Did Axel just lie to me...?

But why would he lie?

“It seems you need more rest, I must take my leave,”

His statement left no room for argument.
He was leaving to his lordly duties.

Though, desperate the questions that tugged at my mind, I didn't question him further. I watched him slip out the door almost gracefully, not an ounce of sound dared to flutter.

I did not ask her the question that burned at the back of my mind.

I slipped out of the room with ease not sparing my Emily a glance.

Its funny how I started saying Emily in my head rather than Pet.

Ever since that evening...

I couldn't stop thinking about the way her eyes glowed...

The way a gold essence of energy surrounded her distressed form. The way her aura tantalized me. What was that energy? And where did it come from? During that short talk with the girl I couldn't sense any of that energy, I couldn't... feel it.

It was odd.

She was odd.

Is it that, she is just some witch disguising herself to ruin me?

Could this be the work of Elijah? My archenemy?

I'll dwell on that thought.

“Get up off your asses and start the preparation for the Prince's departure,” I say to quite a few guards huddled around a table drinking ale as they gamble among themselves.

My brother was scheduled to leave in two days but that didn't mean I should wait until the appointed time to prepare his belongings. It's not like he's using them anyway.

At that thought a sinister smile crept up my lips.

He got what he deserved.

That witch, that human, dealt with him savagely.

He deserves every bit of pain he's enduring, from that day until now...he deserves it.

I smirk as I slump down lazily into my office chair my feet fixed on the pristine desk.

A glass of bourbon rested aside my legs on a cotton like cloth shielding the table from it's wetness.

I should give my servants a raise they spoil me too much.

I chuckle at the thought but frown when my eyes land on a familiar crumpled letter.


Hm. I failed to ask my human the question that burned at the back of my skull.
How absurd!.
A disgruntled sigh left my lips.
How. Absurd.

There was a knock on my door. A soft but stern knock. Its a woman.
My eyes shot up to the door. Immediately I sniffed the air.
Hm. Amicable.

“You may enter,” I say before continuing to shuffle through some work notes I had told my assistant specifically to organize.

But its been a week now since I've seen or heard from her. Probably left to spend some time with her family.
But she usually asks for a leave...not this time.

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