IX. Intruder

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"Just one more! You can do it!" Viktor encouraged. A small cry of pain escaped Amari as she lifted the 25-pound dumbbell one last time. Jesus! Since when did 25 pounds become heavy? This man was clearly trying to kill her.

"Good job!" Viktor smiled. "You've got a lot stronger! Did you try the protein bars I gave you?

"Yes. They tasted like burnt rubber," Amari wheezed. Two weeks of training with this crazy Russian should have killed her by now. Amari wanted nothing more than to give up and waste away, but she knew she couldn't. She owed Viktor big time.

"Of course! They are disgusting, but good for muscles," Viktor said happily with a silly flex of his biceps. How could this man always be jolly? Viktor filled every topic with happiness and glee. He kinda reminded Amari of her old self. She would stop at nothing to make sure everyone happy even if it slowly killed her inside... Well, it did.

"Are you ready for the next exercise?" Viktor asked.

"That depends on what it is."


"Hell no."

A small frown appeared on the jolly Russian's face. Amari was getting better at her daily exercises but the poor woman had absolutely no stamina.

"You're still not eating," Viktor stated. "You cannot skip meals. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner are very important for a healthy weight gain."

"What do you mean still not? I eat like a fucking caveman! It's just... Sometimes I forget," Amari lied. Of course, she remembered to eat. Ever since the incident at the gym, the 24-year-old had no appetite. She would eat little things here and there, but it was never enough to be qualified as a healthy meal.

"Let me see your phone."

"What the hell? Why?"

"Just let me see it. I won't look at your photos," Viktor snickered. Amari put in her password and reluctantly handed her personal trainer her phone. She watched as Viktor typed frantically and gazed into the iPhone with a large smile.

"There you go! All set up!"

"What did you do?"

"I set meal times on your phone so you don't forget. From now on your phone will ring whenever it reaches breakfast, lunch or dinner time," Viktor explained. He handed Amari back her phone with that same stupid grin glued to his face.

"Oh. Thanks."

Two weeks had passed since the incident. It wasn't what Amari did that made her scared. It was how she felt afterward. Just the site of the crying woman filled Amari with excitement. She wanted nothing more than to hear the wails of the woman once more. For some reason, that's all she thought about at night. The moment replayed in her head several times a day and Amari couldn't help but smile at the horrifying thought.

"I'm so glad you are letting me help you!" Viktor practically squealed. "You are going to be healthy in no time!"

"You forced me to do this. It was either this or go to jail," Amari frowned. After the incident, Amber pressed charges on Amari. The 24-year-old woman had no evidence to even defend herself with. Amber put on a show and everyone ate it up. She showed up with a neck brace on and a bandage wrapped around her head. Oh, how Amari wanted to beat the bitch's ass. Luckily Viktor showed up a  with a recording from the gym's cameras. Turns out the jolly Russian was the owner of their gym. Thanks to him Amari only got 5 months of Anger Management since Viktor was able to prove to the judge that Amber started the mess.

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