Chapter 5

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Pikachu's POV
We stop by a lake for lunch and I sit with the other Pokémon, I look over to see (Y/N) talking with Serena, she seems to be laughing, "What's up with those two?" Bunnleby asks, "Isn't it obvious, they're in love" Hawlucha says, "I never really understood what love actually is, these humans are strange when it comes to it" Pancham says, "Remember that Flabébé we encountered? Chespin was all over her" Frogadier explained, Chespin heard his name and quickly looked at us before going back to devouring his food, "How about you Pikachu? You've been with (Y/N) the longest, have you ever loved anybody" Hawlucha asks, the other Pokémon look at me waiting for my response, "Not really, but I've seen love happen before, (Y/N) has traveled with lots of other humans before and most of the females were all over him but he wasn't having it" I explain, "Who knows, maybe (Y/N) won't be the only one on the team with a lover" Hawlucha teases

(Y/N)'s POV
I want to get Serena something nice but I don't know what to get her, Clemont is right, I should tell her, but I want the moment to be right, Serena wanted to be a Pokémon showcaser and she started practicing, her dress was absolutely beautiful

Timeskip to the XYZ episodes

(Y/N)'s POV
The leader of the Pokémon showcasing was hosting a dance but they had to have a date, including their Pokémon, she wanted to bring out her shy Evee and Clemont's Bunnleby was its date, so Clemont and Serena would be dates, I became a little jealous, we head to the place the dance was and I hear a familiar voice, Miette..... goddammit

Serena's POV
"So Clemont is your date? That means (Y/N) is available" Miette says, I'm starting to get angry, she grabs (Y/N)'s hand, "So (Y/N), what do you say?" She asks, "I guess" (Y/N) says giving me a look that says help me, "Wonderful, come on (Y/N), you have to help me pick out an outfit" Miette says practically dragging (Y/N) into the building, her Slurpuff drags Pikachu into the building as well

(Y/N)'s POV
I can't believe I'm stuck in this mess, I was hoping I could spend some time with Serena but now this crazy lady is practically clenching onto me, she makes me carry fifty dresses to the changing room for her, I just grab a suit that fits, and to be honest I kinda like it, after that we head to the ballroom and Clemont comes to me, "Hey (Y/N), this can be your chance to tell Serena how you feel" Clemont whispers, "If crazy lady doesn't rip my arms off I try to move away from her" I explain, Clemont chuckles, then I see Serena, my jaw drops in awe because of how beautiful she looks, she's wearing the most beautiful red dress with a little green bow in her hair, she comes up to me and smiles, "Hey (Y/N), how do I look" she asks, "I-I, I mean y-you look great" I can't seem to get words out, "Thanks, you look great too" she says fixing my bow tie, then I hear Miette's voice and my smile turns to an annoyed face, "Ugh" I say, "I don't like her either" Serena says, "I only said yes to her because I wanted to be with you and Clemont" I explain, "I know, I'm sorry this had to happen to you, I'll make it up to you I promise" she says, "You don't have to" I say, "I know, I want to, you've done so much for me, now I want to do something for you" she explains, we both smile and we get a little closer to each other until Miette grabs me and practically hugs me to death, "Heyyy (Y/N), how about we dance?" She asks, like I had a choice I hesitantly grabbed her hand and we started dancing, now I am the clumsiest person on earth so I can't dance to save my life but I deliberately mess up even more so I can get out of this hellhole, when the song is over we are told to dance with random people

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