On A Jet Plane

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I took the bus home that day and sat on the right side so I could look out at the fading day. I felt my phone vibrate continuously, and I figured it was my mother so I picked it up.

"Yes, mother?" I spoke harshly.

"Wow," a deep voice responded. It was Mr. Way. I pinched the bridge of my nose for being so careless. I let out a deep sigh.

"Yes?" I asked. He was silent for a while.

"Am I bothering you?" He asked. His voice had a little tone to it. "Well, I just wanted to ask if you got my earlier text?"

"No," I lied.

"Oh, okay. That's probably a good thing, then." We stayed silent for a while.

"Do you wanna have dinner together?" He asked me.

"Uh, why?"

"Well, since you've been gone, I've been really lonely and I've been cooking twice as much food by accident, so would you like to?" He asked. I really thought about it, and I did miss his cooking. My parents didn't cook and so I had to cook myself. It gets really tiring. I knew it was a bad thing to do, but I felt I had to.

"Yeah, sure."

"Okay. I'm on my way now. I was already in my car."

"Mr. Way-"

"Gerard, asshole." I sighed, but hid a smile.

"Gerard, I'm not at home. I'm on a bus there right now. I was in town doing something, so i'll be home in maybe 20 minutes. I'm not sure. I've never taken a bus before," I explained calmly. Well, now I've gotten myself scared.

"How do you not know?" He asked. Okay, tell me the next place you're about to pass. Like a big store or something." I looked around and saw a Wal-Mart coming up on the left. What?

"I think I went the opposite way, because I don't remember seeing a Wal-Mart on my way here." I think I was going to hyperventilate.

"Shit, Frankie, you went to the town, like, 15 minutes away. Get off at the next stop and text me what it is. I'm on my way. Stay there," he said. It was starting to get dark and this was a bad place. God, why do I have be such a horrible fucking movie? At the next stop, five minutes after passing Wal-Mart, I rushed off, thanking the driver and taking a seat on the bus bench. I pulled out my phone and sent Gerard a text.

Me: I'm a bus stop between fifth and sixth street, about five minutes from Wal-Mart. It's getting really dark...

Of course I wouldn't admit it, I was really afraid.

Gerard: I'm almost there. Sit tight. If someone tries talking to you, ignore them or go into the nearest store and hid in there.

Me: Please hurry.

I'm sure he knew I was really scared right now and that reassured me that he really knew me. But I can't do this. I can't let him know any more about me, or I'll try to stay on contact with him after I graduate and go to basic. I sat there for five more minutes before I noticed a man walking his huge dog. He looked at me and we made eye contact for a split second before I looked away, not wanting to draw attention to myself.

"Hey, kid. What are you doing out here? It's dangerous," he said. He's voice was deep, but had a slight pitch to it. I looked up at him, raising my eyebrow.

"Then why are you walking your dog?" I asked.

"Well, I have a huge ass dog to protect me. But who do you have?" He asked. He took a seat beside me, but kept a good distance from me. Like enough distance to show we were strangers, but were in a conversation.

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