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August 22nd

Soda: Wth Dallas?!!?
Dally: What man?
Soda: Does it not bother you when other guys stare at your girls ass??
Dally: I don't get upset over stupid shit like that
Dally: You need to chill the fuck out man
Dally: it's not my fault our girlfriends are fine as hell
Soda: But the fucking socs are commenting about them too
Dally: But Grace is dating you not the socs
Dally: So again chill the fuck out and just ignore them
Soda: I can't chill out
Soda: They shouldn't get to see my girls ass
Soda: Don't you get upset when Steve comments about them??
Soda: I mean he has said he'd fuck her before
Soda: And that doesn't bother you?!?
Dally: Steve knows I'll kill him if he ever does anything
Dally: And the socs are just trying to get a kick out of us
Dally: Obviously it's working on some of us
Soda: Shut the fuck up
Dally: I'll kill you too if you don't shut the fuck up
Soda: You're no fucking help
Dally: Whatever man

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