The Seven

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Hello! XD I'm doing it in turn so it's Cold Blood, Dragon Slayer, Cold Blood, Dragon Slayer, e.t.c.

So Here it is!


Jellal's P.O.V.

"Get behind me", I told Erza, lifting my arm out in front of her.

"Whoa, hold on. You're telling her to hide? Did you forget that she could kill you in like five seconds?", Natsu pointed out, as Erza smirked, her scarlet hair swinging past her armour. "Kiyoki stay behind me.", He turned to face his fellow dragon.

She scoffed,"I could whip your ass any day, Natsu. And I need to talk to whatever's underneath those scales", She drove her heels into the ground.

"BUUUUUUUUUUUUURN!!", Happy said, earning a swat.

I saw a flash of blue, and turned to see Wendy, Levy and Lucy hiding behind old trees. Gajeel stood in front of them, with Carla hovering by his side.

"Juvia?", Gray looked at the water mage expectantly, but instead got a fierce glare.

"Juvia isn't going anywhere.", She said, her tone daring anyone to disagree. The pile of scales began to move, drawing all our attention back to the centre. Kiyoki slowly and carefully blew away the scales, layer after layer. When all the layers were gone, and I had removed enough branches for sufficient light to come through, we stared at the three people laying down on the ground.

They all looked like boys around our age. One had shocking white hair, and a lighting bold scar on his left hand. Another had crimson hair and a flame-shaped scar on his left shoulder. The last one had black spiky hair and metal studs along his face. Their clothes were muddyb and torn, and they were barefoot.

"Who turned on the lights?", The white-haired boy groaned, covering his face with his hand.

"Cool it, wimp.", The black-haired boy muttered.

The crimson-haired one opened his eyes and sat up,"Can it both of you.", He hit each of them on the head. Then he looked up at us, his eyes were the gold you see in the fire."Sorry abou those two, they always complain. I'm Sora, the guy with white hair is Yasu and the black-haired one is Akio." He stood up and began kicking his companions, saying a bit too loud,"Sorry girls, my friends don't want to wake up."

"That's fine, Sora. It's not like we have anything to do.", Lucy spoke from behind the tree, also too loud. What were they playing at?

"It's a pity too, Yasu's kinda cute.", Juvia giggled, also a bit too loud. No way, were they actualy trying to -

"BAGS THE BLUENETTE!!", Yasu sat up, wide eyed and looked around for Juvia.

"Hands off, mate. She's taken.", Sora muttered, nudging his friend with his foot. "Wake up metal head, will you?"

"Fine.", Yasu got up and kicked Akio in the shoulder. "Wake up! HOT CHICKS ALERT!"

"HOLY SHIT WHERE!!??", Akio jumped up and looked around, only reciebing death glares from all the guys and Carla. "Ouch, tough crowd."

"What are you doing out here?", Kiyoki stepped forward, prompting a wolf-whistle from Akio, who then got his hair singed by Natsu. "I could have taken him, Natsu, he's nothing compared to what I did before, and you should know.", She smirked, cracking her knuckles. The new guys looked scared, good thing.


Sora's P.O.V.

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