EXTRA!: Stirdessia

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Don’t flip, you’ll see what this is :)

And this lovely lady here -----> Is our chapter’s dragon!


“Sting-kun...”, Lector whispered, before vanishing.

“Frosh!”, Rogue swiftly hid the Exceed in his arms, while everyone just froze.

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!”, Sting cried, and Jiemma rolled his eye as the Dragon Sayer began to sob.

“You’re so noisy, Sting.”, He leered, and the blonde looked up, with enough venom in his face to kill the man.

“You bastard!”, Everyone spun around, and some people screamed. The peaceful healer Faith was slowly being wrapped in purple light. “You swore you wouldn’t!”, She yelled, and scales began to mark her skin. “Now, it’s too late.”, Long fangs appeared, and the Twin Dragons smelt a faint scent they knew too well: Dragon.

“Dragon?”, The two whispered, and they began to grin. “Good.”

“What are you going to do, Irdessia? You’re weak!”, Jiemma snarled, and she took a step forward, purple eyes twinkling.

“I was weak, but, I swear on my soul, you will pay.”, Then she lunged for his throat.


“What was that!?”, Mizuhime screamed and everyone turned to face her. She was pale, and shaking like hell.

“What is it?”, Apollo asked.

“It’s Irdessia, she’s alive.”, She whispered.

“And, that’s bad because?”, Ren asked,”She’s your sister!”

“She’s going to kill the Sabertooth Master.”, Mizuhime whimpered, and Kiyoki, Violet, Mizuhime and Eve were soon out the door.

“Why would she kill that guy?”, Apollo asked, and Celty shrugged.

“HOLD IT!”, Yasu froze, and he glanced at Sakura, who was shaking. “Sakura, what is it?”

“It’s Lector...”, She whimpered, and she began to sob.

“Sting’s cat? What about him?”, Akio asked.

The tiny cat looked up, tears in her eyes, “He’s dead.”


“Poisoned Ivy.”, Irdessia growled, and long trails of poison spurted from the ground, holding Jiemma in place. “I warned you, you bastard. Hoe dare you hurt Lector! What did he do, wear the guild mark? You should be proud, you bastard. They’re loyal, strong, they’re amazing.”, She walked up to him and knelt down so her fangs were near his neck.

“Please, spare me...”, Jiemma pleaded, but his plea was ignored as Irdessia bit him, sending poison through his veins. She moved away and stood up.

“You have five minutes left to live.”, She growled, then the door swung open.

“Irdessia! Calm the flack down!”, Mizuhime yelled, but you could tell she was shaken.

“Why would you kill him anyway!?”, Violet asked, then her eyes fell on Frosh. ”No, he didn’t...”, She ran to him, and one second told her what she already knew, “Frosh, I’m so sorry.”

“This bastard destroyed an Exceed, only because he wore the Sabertooth mark proudly.”, Irdessia spat, and a sword of light formed in Eve’s hand.

“Alright, I agree with her here.”, He nodded, and the weapon shined.

“Irdessia, please.”, Kiyoki took a step forward, and placed her hand on her shoulder. “Listen to me, killing him won’t bring Lector back. And, anyway, remember the ‘eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth’ rule? An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.”

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