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HEEEEEEEEEEEEY!! This is going to be rushed, because I have a RANDOM IDEA for "Cold Blood" ok? So don't go nuts on me, this is still good (I think XD)


Mirajane's P.O.V.

I was wiping the familiar wood of the bar, my fingers stroking the mahogany. it was quiet, as it had been ever since Gray and Natsu left, it made me realise how much noise thoss two made. The doors swung open and I looked up. I frowned at our "guests", members of the Council. "How can I help you?", I plastered a fake smile on my face, hoping to be as hospitiable as possible with the Council.

"We are looking for this man: Jellal Fernandez. He escaped from prison recently. He is a dangerous wizard and must be handed over immediately.", The Head Guard slammed a flyer on the wood, leaving a slight dent.

"Escaped, more like broken out.", I muttered, taking the flyer.

"Excuse me?", The Guard raised his eyebrows.

"I heard that Jellal was broken out of prison, by a dragon.", I whispered into his ear.

"H-h-h-h-h-how did you know?", He stared at me, wide eyed. O.O

"Let's just say, a little dragon told me.", I giggled. "To tell you the truth, Jellal's part of a really important mission that involves some of our wizards, and he told us."

"What mission?"

"Do you have a celestial wizard with you?", I looked around, scanning the five or six different mages assembled. One of them, a pale, black-haired boy, stepped forward. "Open one of your gates, any one, it doesn't matter."

"Open, gate of the scales, Libra. Wait, who are you?", the Council members stared at the tanned, dark-skinned boy in front of us. He had no top on, and loose tirquoise pants.(sorry, I always picture Libra as a bellydancer-type girl, and this seemed the most matching. Don't ask why, I don't know myself O.O)

"Who the hell are you? Where's Libra?", the Head Guard asked.

The spirit sat on one of the stools in front of the bar,"I'm Lucas, Libra's older brother. Libra went missing last week, and a few wizards from Fairy Tail went to look for them. That's all I know, Leo and Aries' kids talk to them, not me. They aren't my master."He looked around, eyes resting on me,"This is Fairy Tail?"

"Yes. The wizards that went on the mission were our strongest, don't worry.", I smiled.

"Thanks.", Lucas kissed my cheek and left our world.

"Does that answer your question?", I asked, blushing.

"Of course, If this mission is successful, Mr Fernandez will be cleared of all charges.", The Head Guard told me.

"And if it fails -"I started.

"He will also be charged with murder.", The Guard said, nodding.

"No. Two entire types of magic will be destroyed."I finished. The guards had nothing to say.


Kiyoki's P.O.V.

I woke up in Natsu's arms, my arm across his stomach."Hey, sleepy.", I looked up at Natsu's face.

"Hi, Natsu.", I kissed his cheek, making him blush."C'mon, we gotta get up.", I tried wriggling out of his arms, but he pulled me tighter.

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