¤ King George III ¤

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"You're Insane."

"Kill me if you must, but I will not bow to a king who wears a crown studded with jewels of every life he has ended."

Characters: Yandere!(?)King George x American Spy! Reader

TW: Curse Words, super angsty.. There isn't really a happy ending.


You sat in the cold, dimly lit cell,the only light emitting from a torch on the the side of the door. You had been caught smuggling information through to the Americans and saying that the British Henchmen were angry was an understatement.

You had played the role of a General's wife, arriving at their camp about 5 months ago. They welcomed you warmly, assuming that the General you were married to was someone important. The last name you stole however, was from a General who died weeks ago on the battle field. News travels quite slowly. The only way they caught you was whilst you were writing to General Washington's secretary, Alexander Hamilton, one of the men whom you acquainted snuck up behind you to give you a scare.

And now... Here you sat, awaiting the spine chilling chop of the guillotine. "Hey, get up you traitor. " An cold voice called. Ah, Admiral Howe. The best way to be escorted into the arms of death... By a man you despised. You gave him a smirk as he harshly pulled at the chains that kept you bounded down, pulling you out of the filthy cell. You were slightly happy to have gotten to walk once more but you were walking to death. Yay?

However, instead of walking straight down to the court where you were going to be beheaded, Howe pulled you down numerous hallways and into many different rooms to get to one guarded by dozens of henchmen. They all saluted to Admiral Howe yet gave you looks laced with venom and anger. You had gotten used to the way they looked at you, you had been in prison for about 3 weeks now and you assumed that your friends on the American side have gotten busy fighting that they barely noticed your lack of writing.

You were, again, pulled into the room by your now bloody wrists. They could give less of a damn if you bled as Howe's voice boomed through the room, "Your majesty? I brought the woman. "He said some, glancing back at you with false pity.

"Leave. " Was all King George said.

Howe nodded, purposely pulling on your shackles with a harsh tug, sending you down to the floor with a pained yelp.

"So, you're Washington's little molerat. American Spy..Miss (Y/N). Why did you join the army when a woman such as yourself should find a weathy husband?" King George had turned to you, anger laced in every word he spoke as he grabbed the chain hanging around your neck, pulling you towards his seething face.

You chuckled bitterly," What are you going to do about it? Kill me because I am unfitting to join the army? Go ahead. Heaven or Hell would be better than your shitty kingdom." You spat.

You had been sent straight to the palace from the moment you stepped on England soil. You came with your friend Hercules Mulligan and you pretended to be the widowed wife on the British side whilst he worked as a tailor.

Both of you managed to see each other often, mostly every weekend when both of you had the days off. During those times, you and Hercules formed a close bond, you had actually developed a small hint of a crush on the man yet you chose to ignore your heart and continue with your task.

And now here you were at the feet of the King, not having the chance to admit your infatuation to Mulligans.

King George laughed, a sort of maniacal laugh as his face dropped to a serious expression,

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