¤ John Laurens ¤

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"Gay or European?"
BonBon2233 yo girl. This is dedicated to chu.  (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

The request was basically "Do a John Laurens Imagine where reader thinks he's gay but not really."

I love the idea so much.. ♥

Characters: John Laurens x reader

Timeline: Modern!

Tw: nothing..?  I mean.. Swearing but eh..  (。’▽’。)

"He's so gay for you. "

"He's straight. "

"He isn't gay.. And he isn't European. What the fuck is he then? "

"A human. "

"Fuck you Alex. "

(Alex is always either the brother or the best friend.. He is a smol bean.. To be more exact, Lin is a smol bean.)

You and Alexander Hamilton would always have a sleepover at least once a month. You've had sleepovers since you met each other back in seventh grade. Now that you're both about to graduate college, sleepovers aren't the same as they were when you were 10.

You laid your head on Alexander's lap as you angrily ranted about your professor and about school work and well--a certain freckled turtle.

"You're blind, Alex. It's so obvious that John likes you, much to my dismay but it's true. "You snarkily said as you fiddled with your newly painted nails. At your statement, Alexander harshly tugged your hair as he braided it, earning a yelp and a whine from you.

"He's so gay for you. "

"He's straight. " Alex mused.

"He isn't gay.. And he isn't European. What the fuck is he then? " You angrily retorted.

"A human. " Alexander said, matter of factly.

"Fuck you Alex. " You muttered, smacking him across the chest.

Ah yes, John Laurens.  The boy you've been crushing on since college sophomore year and now that you're about to graduate, you want to tell him--but at the same time you didn't want to. You had kept this crush between you, Alexander, Hercules--Basically everyone but John-- a secret for about 2 years now. Almost a total of 730 days. Alexander has told you millions of times that he and John were not in a relationship but you always told him you knew John liked him.

John was very, very close with Alexander and in your eyes, those two could've been fucking behind the scenes. You thought you saw admiration in John's eyes when he looked at you and Alexander when you guys ate lunch together. You thought he argued with Alexander about you winning a video game just to piss him off. Yet that's the thing, you thought. You never confirmed anything with them. You couldn't confirm whether John was gay because in the 4 years you knew him, he never really told you about dates. Whenever you pointed out a cute guy, in hopes he would get jealous and ask you out on a date, he would shrugged and agree, saying, "Well yeah.. He's pretty hot. "


Anyways, Alexander rolled his eyes when you mentioned yet again about how John had an undying crush on him. He and everyone else around you knew and saw that John didn't have a crush on Alex, but on you. All those times he seemed to be lovingly staring at Alexander, he was really looking at you, who happened to be seated right next to Alexander. Those times he argued with Alexander about who really won the Rainbow Road map?  He was just defending you against your best friend. Yet with all those signs, you still remained oblivious to it, deranging yourself to probably believe that your crush didn't like you back.

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