¤ Thomas Jefferson ¤

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"Cold days, warm kisses."
Another Thomas Imagine, requested by LunaIsANightmare.

There wasn't a requested time line or prompt so I'll be doing a modern one where reader and Thomas enjoy a cold snowy day..Well..Enjoy most of it.


"Oops? Sorry, babe. "

Characters:Alexander--I'm kidding.  Thomas Jefferson x Reader

No warning for this one..  Just a bunch of floofy stoofy.

Timeline: Modern!
Everyone loved a good snow day. Girls could wear the cute winter coat they've been hiding in the back of their wardrobes, and you get to snuggle up in the house and drink hot chocolate.  Win.

You were currently sprawled out on your couch, texting a few friends about being 'snowed in'. The snow was pretty harsh, an unending downpour happening over night and well--your yard was covered with ankle deep snow.

"Babe?! Could you grab the shovel from the cabinet? "A certain Virginian man called from the garage. You grunted loudly in response, not wanting to get up from under the blankets yet.

"We'll shovel the driveway later, Jefferson! It's way too early to be shovelling. "You hollered back as she received another text from Elizabeth Schuyler, a friend of yours you met a few years ago right after you graduated.

You heard footsteps make their way to you as a figure stood over you," Baby,  it's 2 in the afternoon and we haven't got any food. " He said as he slowly picked you up from your bundle of blankets. He sat down and plopped you on his lap.

"We can order some pizza or Chinese or something. "You said, not focusing on him as you sent a response to Peggy. You had sent a poop emoji, because who doesn't love that?

Thomas snorted at your statement before grabbing your phone from your hand, raising it way above your head, too high for you to reach. You gasped, trying to grab it but failing.

"Why would you do that, Tom?! "You whined, smacking him across the chest, jumping up to try getting it but inevitably failing.

Thomas wiggled his eyebrows, a smirk playing on his lips as he shook his head," If you want it back, give me a kiss. " he negotiated as he puckered his lips.

You rolled your eyes before a devious smirk appeared on your lips. You leaned in, standing on your tip toes, your lips an inch apart. Thomas's eyes widened with your sudden confidence and leaned in to try closing the gap, desperate to steal a kiss, not realising that he lowered his arm. As he was just about to get a sweet kiss in, you quickly grasped your phone and ran across the room with a triumphant laugh.

"Why would you do that, darlin'? " He asked in feigned hurt, a hand on his chest as he sauntered over to you. You giggled and stuck your tongue out at him cutely before going back to texting Peggy.

He sighed as he gave up trying to get you off your phone. He went to sit on the couch to watch a bit of TV when---

Click, click!

The house was suddenly succumb by darkness. You had let out a scared shriek as the only light emitted from your phone screen. "Darlin'?  The power went out." Thomas said, matter of factly as he blindly walked over to you, the only signs of you was your phone light. He grabbed your hand and (blindly)  led you to the front door, handing you your coat--his coat--he didn't know what he was grabbing anymore. You wore the coat, your flashlight shining on the door as you opened it quickly.
Stepping outside, snow covered your front porch and the snow was still as high as it was when you woke up. You looked over to Thomas, who was currently locking your door.

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