¤ Lafayette ¤

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Hey, it's been a while, hasn't it?
I don't have an excuse, I've just been sucked into a new fandom recently and yeah 😂

I've decided to slowly work on requests that have been months overdue but as a little thing to get me back into writing, here's a little drabble.

"You're the little sister of Alexander and one of the boys has a crush of you!" (with a slight twist hihi)


Let's start off with how the evening started.

Alexander had sat in his shared apartment, him and his best friends all huddled into a little circle on the floor, pulling and tugging on a single thin blanket to keep themselves even remotely warm in the winter.

After being pushed out of their cuddle circle, Alexander whined at the sudden contact of cold air onto his skin and decided to get comfortable on the couch, phone dinging in his hand.

The other boys: Lafayette, Hercules and John all stared up at him quizzically. Eliza was out with her sisters, she wouldn't be texting him at that time. Why on earth was Alexander texting so much?

Before they could get a word to him, he had bolted out of the house with a smirk on his face.

You had been driving around the snowy city after your best friend flaked out on you, opting to stay with her boyfriend that day. There go your plans for the day. As you drove past building after building, you decided that you would pay your older brother and his best friends a little visit, with some good news.

Sure, you saw each other 2 weeks ago, but you missed them already. As you parked your car (less than gracefully), you sent your brother a quick text saying that you were on your way to their apartment.

Alexander sprung up from the couch, threw on his bedroom slippers and raced down to the parking lot behind their apartment to escort you up, yelling out behind him something around the line of, "Put your pants on, my sister's coming."

The boys begrudgingly tug their sweatpants on, their cute little boxers being hidden underneath the comfortable material.

They were all waiting for you and Alexander to come back when someone had said something that would change how they were spending the night-

"wait, doesn't __****___have a huge crush on (Y/N)?"

"Wait, doesn't Laf have a huge crush in (Y/N)?" A certain Hercules Mulligan thought out loud. Lafayette turned towards him, like a deer in headlights as his face flushed a baby pink.

"N-No! I mean, she's super pretty and all and at times all I think about is how pretty her eyes are and how smooth and soft her hair looks and how supple her skin feels- but I totally don't like her like that maybe i do but like she's pretty-" Lafayette rambled on and on before a soft sigh emitting from John caused him to stop in his tracks.

"Not only does he seem to like her, I feel as though it's leaning more towards love than a simple crush." John said matter-of-factly, pointer finger raised in thought, as though he had a brilliant idea. Lafayette buried his face in his hands as he felt his blood rush to his cheeks and ears.

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