Daddy Issues (4)

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10:08 am. I figured. I slept through church and now my heathen ass is sitting here in the house by myself, looking like the laziest house guest ever. My legs felt like jelly, even after showering and I can't get last night out of my head. Today was Jesus's birthday and all I could think about was Dy's dad deep in my guts. Ya know what? I'm going to start breakfast so everyone can eat as soon as they walk in the door. That's it. Occupy my mind for a while.

I got up from the couch and stuffed my phone in the back pocket of my jeans before walking to the kitchen. I got an instant chill as the image of me and DeVante on the counter flashed across my mind. I felt myself getting hot all over again. Yeah, these next 5 days were going to eat me alive, if I could stand to be around him and his family for that long without cracking.

"You're an idiot, Ivy. A real freakin' idiot....and ya friend's daddy ain't shit. Now look at you." I scolded myself as I pulled breakfast foods from the fridge. Knowing the neurotic mess I am, I'd probably be thinking about my actions for a long time but the one thing that could occupy my mind for now was cooking. I'd worry about looking Dy and her family  in the eyes when the time came. I'd made up my mind to avoid Donald....DeVante? Mr. DeGr- aww hell I don't even know what to call him anymore! What do you call your friend's father AFTER you've had sex with them?! Anyway, I planned on avoiding being close to him, for  as long as I was here.

I turned on some gospel music, praying that'd be enough for Jesus not to turn me away at the pearly gates while I popped a batch of biscuits in the oven and checked on the bacon while I was at it.

As much as I wanted to avoid calling ny mom while I wallowed in my guilt, I couldn't avoid her on Christmas and she'd suspect something was wrong if I didn't contact her.

Let my acting skills be as good as I'd like to think. Jesus! Let me be Viola Davis right now.

I dialed my mom's number and held my breath as it rang.

Don't let her see through my bullshit...not today.

"Merry Christmas, mama's baby!" I laughed hearing her holler in the phone. She always was excited for the holidays.

"Merry Christmas, mommy dearest!" I cheered into the phone, channeling some of my nerves into mixing pancake batter.
"How are yoooou? I miss you! I wanna see your face!" She exclaimed.
"I can FaceTime you, mommy." I suggested, already knowing she'd say no.

"Aww naw I don't know how to work that stuff. Just send me pictures." She laughed. I could just imagine her shaking her head. I'd spent all that money for a new iPhone she insisted she needed and she only used it to call me and other family members. No apps, no nothing.

"I'll take plenty of pictures and send them, ma." I laughed.
"Good. So how is everything? Is Dyana's family nice? You met her parents?" My mama was playing her own game of Rapid Fire as she asked question after question. She didn't know much about Dyana but she'd spoken with her a few times on the phone. It was a wonder she called her by her name now. For three months, she referred to her as "that green eyed girl."
"Yep." I plainly responded, popping the P as I poured more batter into into the hot skillet.
"Ooook well tell me about 'em! I know you said her dad was famous or somethin' right? Was he nice?"

Oh he was real nice.

My breath got caught in my throats as I thought of what to say. I had to think quickly though before she suspected something was wrong. I'll just give her the details about the hours before the inappropriate stuff. I laid the acting skills on thick as I spoke.

"Yeah, he was nice! We all sat around and talked and sang Christmas songs yesterday. Oh and ma, it was unreal! I played the piano with her dad-DeVante Swing! I played the piano with one of the greatest musicians!- I can't even!" I exclaimed, cheesing hard. I didn't need much acting for that part. I mean it was exciting and still felt pretty surreal.
I told her about working with Justin in the future and she was all for it.
"Well alright! Look at you! Doin' more networking in North Carolina than LA, ain't ya?" She laughed.

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