Say Your Prayers And Kiss The Devil

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My spirit is telling me to just publish this one and quite frying my brain trying to finish the other ones. This imagine has been on my mind for a minute. It's  a lil' different. But me likes different. Hope y'all do too.  As all of my stories, there will be more installments! 
Thank ya daddy DeVante for this, y'all lol

Somewhere in North Carolina, 1915

The young man, no older than 17 , stood in the middle of the  unpaved 4-way intersection patiently waiting

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The young man, no older than 17 , stood in the middle of the  unpaved 4-way intersection patiently waiting. The night sky glowed with reflections of the moon and the cool October air swirled around him, causing him to pull his wool jacket taut to his slender torso. The road was eerily quiet; more quiet than usual. Not many traveled that way given the folklore. The Devil's Crossroad is what people in the small town called it and no one dared go that way unless they were looking for something not of this world. On this night, Donald DeGrate Jr. Found exactly what he'd been searching for.

He removed the bottle of crushed bone and marrow from his jacket pocket and poured it at his feet that were planted  directly in the middle of the intersection. No later than the last grain hit the dirt did he feel a swift breeze in the air-much different than the normal Autumn winds. Suddenly, everything was silent as if time stood still. There were no longer crickets chirping or small animals rustling about in the darkened trees, only.....

"You got a request, baby boy or you just playin' on my line?" A deep voice growled behind him, making Donald jump, whipping around to see the face of whatever it was speaking.
Glowing amber eyes greeted him, causing him to take a step back.
"Oh this scare you? My apologies." The entity, that had taken on the form of a tall black man, darkly chuckled as he blinked, revealing now hazel eyes. They weren't as intense as Amber but they still made Donald uneasy.
"I-I-I got a request." Donald stuttered out in a shaky voice. He'd made up his mind about what he was to do weeks ago but now he wasn't so sure.
The man dropped his shoulders and shifted his weight to one hip as he stared at the young boy.

"You gon' talk or I need to guess what you want?"
The man gestured towards Donald, impatiently chewing on a whittled down stick of wood.

"Um..." Donald fumbled in his coat pockets and finally pulled out a piece of folded paper.
"I-I made a list."

The man threw his head back giving a hearty chuckle that still managed to come off extremely ominous.
"A list? You don't get out much do you, young fella?"  He questioned sauntering towards Donald. Donald's breath hitched in his throat as the man seemed to float to him with a heir of confidence he'd longed for his whole was on his list.

The man frowned in concentration as he carefully read the list. Donald stood in front of him watching him intently as his hands sweated profusely in his pockets.

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