Say Your Prayers and Kiss The Devil•4

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Donald tossed and turned, entangling himself in the bed sheets as his dreams became more ominous. Balaam had appeared to him for the second time, screaming something in his face but he couldn't make it out. Just when his muffled voice would start to become clear, his body morphed into the a demonic entity– what Donald assumed was his natural form, and attacked him.

"....THE DEVIL!" was the only thing he could make out before Balaam took his life.

Donald's arms flailed and punched the air as he felt hands grab him. His eyes shot open and wildly scanned the room before settling on Faith who was leaning over the side of the bed. She stood before him fully clothed in a long green dress and a denim jacket. Her short wild curls crowned her head and her piercing, brown eyes stared at Donald in bewilderment.

His mind hadn't registered just who she was causing him to raise his hand to defend himself once more.

"Hey! Hey! It's me! It's okay!" She assured him, grabbing his arm that threatened to swing at her again.

Donald pulled away from her and released a shaky sigh, trying to calm his racing heart as he sat up in the bed. He'd never had a dream like that and to have it twice was two too many times for his liking. He couldn't help but feel that these dreams were rooted in Faith's presence and his willingness to help her.

"It's okay. They're just trying to get in your head." Faith said as she crawled onto the bed and situated herself at Donald's side, gently wiping the sweat from his forehead and cheeks then wiping her hand on the bottom of her dress.

"Who is they?'." He asked, glancing at her appearance once again. He had an idea but he wanted to clarify.

"Other demons. They want to scare you to make sure you don't slip from their grip. I told you your soul's a hot commodity down there." She shrugged before laying her head on his shoulder.

"Well, it's workin'." He admitted.

Donald sighed and ran his hands over his face, feeling a little more at ease with Faith near him. For the past four days, he'd found comfort in her, partially because they were the only two people around for possibly miles but it was also just her essence. For a demon, she had the most relaxing feel about her and it calmed him. He was beginning to trust her and believe whatever she had in store was actually for the best. He was starting to change his mind about accepting his fate to Hell. If Heaven was anything like the essence of Faith, he wanted in.

"Don't think like that. We're so close. We can do this. However," she sighed," if they've gotten to you, that means we don't have much more time. We have to do the transfer soon." She looked up at him with raised eyebrows. Donald stared back at her with uncertainty. She hadn't told him much about how this transfer would work. She hadn't told him much about anything, really, except how she came to be the way she was. New questions lingered in his mind now.

"What happened for you to wanna leave so bad?" He croaked.
His question was met with a light chuckle. Faith scooted away from him, getting up off the bed.
"That's for another time." she shook her head.

"No, it's fuh now. Tell me." Donald insisted as he got up to block her path to the door.

"Look, we can sit here and have story time for the rest of your life or we can move our asses to save your life...well your soul rather. "

"Either way I'mma die." He shrugged. "You want me to trust you right? Then put the shit out there. Be real. What happened?"

Faith side eyed him for a moment before smacking her lips and cutting her eyes. She could tell he wasn't budging and she figured using her powers her him would only distance him and make him uncomfortable.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2017 ⏰

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