3: Frisbee

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"Okay where do I go next?"

"Take two rights then two lefts and then right." he said.

"Remind me again why am I the one who's doing this" I asked while I was crawling through the vents.

"Because your the one that can fit"

"God, my stupid perfect figure." I said smirking.

"Okay if I can see right there are seven guards guarding the gem."

"Well your vision is pretty good for a hundred year old guy."

"Do you have to say something like that every time?"

"Only when I get harder job. Okay i see it. I'm going in." I said. I jumped from the vents and start shooting at the guards. I shot them in the shoulder or a leg cause I didn't want to kill them just because they work for the most annoying guy ever.
Just as I shot the last one three more came from behind me and grabbed my hands. I didn't resist cause I knew who is about to come in.

"What a pleasant surprise to see my niece after so many years." said the man in the khaki trousers 'Ugh I hate khaki trousers'

"Yeah, like you cared." I said '5'

"Oh don't be like that of course I was worried." he said while faking that he was hurt by my words '4'

"You mean worried about me coming back and taking over your 'throne' "  '3'

He just stared at me for a second before answering "Well sort of. You see my dear after your mother, my sister, died, without your dearest father in the world of livings..."  he said knowing that the last part will hurt a little "...and with you playing your little hide and seek game, I was the closest to take over the family company." 'What a jerk. 2.'

"Yeah I heard all about your little plan about selling weapons again and as much as I love having a nice conversation with a bitch it's time for me to go." '1, 0. Ok let's do this'

On their surprise a famous red, white and blue shield came bursting through doors followed by... Well, you know who."You okay?" he asked.

"Who do you think I am?" I answered. I knocked out one guard that was holding me and pick up a shield from the floor.My uncle ran away like a coward he is. Cap was fighting the other two guys."Yo Cap, do you want me to send it to you like a football or like a frisbee?" It was rhetorical so he didn't have to answer I just tossed it to him like a frisbee.

"Take the gem" he yelled.

"Ay ay captain" I said and went to the safe that holds it. I took out my phone and start cracking the code. I heard more guards coming in and we were already outnubered. " You okay there Cap?" I asked with a smirk.

"Yea, yea take your time." he said. 'Was that sarcasam? I'm so proud. They grow up so fast.'

I quickly open the safe, took the gem and put it in my pocket. "Alright let's go." I said. We quckily went out through the door which result being caught by ten other guards/agents, whatever these people are. Of course when you are fighting like me and Cap you beat that guys in ten seconds. So that's what we did.

"Miss Ayden I'm afraid there are police vehicles outside." said my A.I. VIC. It simply stands for Very Intelligent Computer.

"Shit." I said. I saw Steve's mouth open like he is going to say something but I cut him of  "Don´t you dare!".
I saw spare door on the right and showed it to Steve. "Go." I said.

Of course he had to be an annoying gentelman " Not without you."

"If we both get out without getting caught we will be wanted... Well technically I already am, but that's for different reasons. And you really think they will put a fifteen year old in jail?" He hesitate for a second but then nodded and got out.

Police arrested me and it was so boring ride to a police station that I almost fell asleep. I think even Steve would fall asleep and he slept for 70 years. When we got there they asked me few questions like why did I broke into Michael Potts house. I said I was bored, that the house looked intersting and i promised it won't happen again. I was sitting in a police station for about twenty minutes until Steve finally came.

"Are you miss Lewis's guardian?" Police officer asked.

"Yes." he answered. Anthonia Lewis was my secret name since Ayden is technically missing. After Steve signed everything we were allowed to go home. "You didn't have to do that." he said while we were going out.

"Yes I did." I said. Steve stopped me in front of his car.

"Look Ayden, that day I promised your dad that I will look after you and your mother and since I already messed up one of those things allow me to help you." he said.

"I let you help me. You are the only one besides Fury who knows where I am. But I'm fifteen okay? I'm perfectly capable to take care of myself. Besides, what happend to mum wasn't your fault." I said and got in the car.

He also got in and start driving me home. "You got gem?" he asked.

"No" I answered and his head snapped in my direction "I 'dropped' it while we were fighting." I saw he's confused so I explained "If we took the gem that jerk Michael would follow us and probably killed us but since we didn't took anything then he has no reason."

"So we broke into that guy's house, fought his guards and you end up in police station for nothing?" he said bringing his gaze back to the road.

"Well not for nothing..." I said and reveal my watch. A hologram of the gem showed up. "VIC scanned it while it was in my pocket." he sighed in relief "Thank you VIC what would I do without you?" I said closing the hologram.

"I assume you would of been dead for three times by now Miss. But I'm glad to help." she said sassily.

A/N Wooohooo three chapters in one day. That's what I have for now.

I red a lot of Ironman daughter fanfictions but this is an idea that I had before I discover beautiful place called wattpad.

That's it see you in the next chapter... Bye Bye...👋✌


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