6: Not my dad

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Pain. It was all I could felt. Both phisycal and mental. I woke up and I was still on the same place like when I passed out. In my lab, next to my desk. Oreos were on the floor. I'll still eat them later.

"VIC?!?" I asked my A.I. while carefully getting up.

"Yes, Miss."

"How long was I out?" I asked and felt terrible pain in my head.

"You were out for three minutes and twenty six seconds Miss but you hit your head and I reccomend to find medical help as soon as..."

"It will have to wait." I said while taking my jacket and getting out.

I was running as fast as I could. I had to get there as soon as possible. I had to get there before Steve does. I saw taxi and immediately got in. My heart was pounding the whole ride but right now I was just thinking about getting there. The taxi driver stopped. I got out and gave him a 50 dollar bill. "Keep the change." I said and got into the building. I showed security guards my SHIELD card-ID thingy and went to the lady on the reception. "I need to speak to Fury." I said but didn't wait for an answer and simply walk fast through the hallways. All I heard was something like "Mr Fury Is currently busy..." kind of thing.

I saw familiar door down to hallway which I recognised as Fury's office. As I got in two heads snapped in my direction. One of them was Furys but the other one was my dad's. My heart started pounding even more if that was even possible. "Ayden?" he mouthed.

I just stared at him blankly. This was the man I adored as a child. This was the man who tucked me in the bed every night, who told me stories when I had nightmares, whom I looked for for five long years. Every night,day,morning,midnight. I switch my gaze from him to Fury. He was sitting in his chair with expresion that I never saw on him. Guilt. Nick Fury was feeling guilty. I felt Tony's gaze on me but I didn't look at him.I couldn't.

"How long did you kept this from me?" I croaked.

"Ayden listen to me..."


"When you were in the accident seven years ago... That's when your dad came and since then we've..."

"You've been hiding him from me. Here in the HQ." I bitterly laugh. While looking around the room. "Like I said I looked at every little piece of this planet... exept here. I didn't look here cause I was stupid enough to think that you wouldn't keep secrets from me." You could feel the tension in the room growing. I could feel his gaze on me but I didn't look. Doors behind me opened.

"Mr Fury you need to sign some papers." Said female voice but I didn't bother to look.

"Can it wait?" he asked obviously wanting to do it later.

"I'm sorry but we need to turn this papers..."

"Alright I'm coming" he said and doors closed. "You two talk to eachother. It will help" And with that only the two of us were in the room. It was awkward silence for few moments until he broke it.

"Ay look..."

"You were alive... All this time..." We were now sitting across from eachother "I actually had a feeling you now? Something just wasn't right." I was staring on a table in front of me.

"Fury told me you looked for me all this time, since... s-since the accident." He said while rubbing the bridge of his nose. He was talking about what happend to mom.

"I didn't." He looked at me with confusion. "Yes, I looked for you since t-then but until I was ten."

"What happend then.?" He asked and for the first time in many years I looked him in the eyes. Part of me wanted to know why he didn't come back but other half was scared. Scared of an answer.

"I gave up. I've been looking for you for five years and then one day I just lost hope. I told myself he's not coming back." I gulped still scared to ask "Why didn't you come back?" he took one long breath and looked at his feet.

Then he stood up and said. "They were threating me okay? With you. They were saying they are going to kill you if you see me." I looked at him with confusion and also stood up.

"That's it?!?! I've been alone for ten years, crying, working, losing my mind, t-trying to kill myself... just because some idiots were saying they will kill me?!?!" I had tears in my eyes. I haven't cried about this for a long time. "You-You could call. Call, email, text anything... For ten years I've been wishing. Every birthday candle, lost tooth, shooting star I haven't wished for you to come home...No,no I'm not that selfish I-I wished for you to be okay!" I said while mentioning on him "And you were. You were alive all this time but then why don't I feel okay!?!? Wh-Why do I feel so empty when you are standing right in front of me?!?!" He just stood there staring at me tears in his eyes. "I'll tell you why." I said pointing at him "It's because you're not my dad. My dad DIED ten years ago..." he shook his head „and so did I!" was the last thing I said before looking at him one more time and exiting the room.

I passed Fury on my way out but he didn't say anything. When I reach the door I saw Steve but decided to just passed by. I was going to, but he stopped me by reaching for my hand. I looked at him tears in my eyes.

"How long do you know?" I asked through my teeth.

"Wh-What?" he asked but I could see that he knew what I meant.

"TELL ME!!!" I yelled which caused all of the people in reception room to stop in their tracks and looked at us but I didn't care at all.

"Since the first day." He said turning his gaze away from me. I nodded cracking a smile, set my hand free from his grip and walked away.

A/N Yep a little longer chapter. Hope you like it. See you in the next one.

Bye Bye👋✌...

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