4: He's not alive Fury

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I woke up around 7AM because certain someone put my alarm in that unhealthy hour.

I live in a little apartment in DC. It's cute but I made a few modifications.
I put on some sweatpants and Captain America T-shirt. Why? Because I can. I went to the kitchen for breakfast when my phone started going off on the soundtrack of the Pirates of Carribean. 'We all know who that is.'

"Arghh Pirate!!!"

"Stark, I need you in my office now!"

"And I need a fridge that actually has something in it but i guess we don't get what we want." I said while closing my fridge in dissapointment.

"We think we found him." he said and I froze. Those were the words that I wanted to hear for so long. Those were the words that I only heared in my dreams. But then I would wake up and evereything would go away. A tear threatend in my eye but I blinked and pushed it back.

"No you didn't."

"Yes we..."he didn't get to finish when I cut him off.

"I've been looking for him for five years Fury. I looked at every island every continent, every little part of this planet but I found nothing. He's gone."

"Listen...I need you to..."

"Bye Fury." I said while tossing my phone in the closest wall. I couldn't let my self get back to that again. My thoughts were interrupt by a doorbell. I opened the door, saw Steve and groaned.

"Does this looks like a HQ to you guys? What are you doing here?"

"Well technically this apartment is on my name." He said with a smirk.

"Oh so you're going on the whole 'my house my rules'  kind of thing."

"No no you live here it's your house" he said and came in. We made our way to the kitchen.

"Soooo... What's up?" I asked while looking through my fridge again in hope to find something that is worth putting in my stomach.

"Um... Di-Did Fury called you yet?" He asked and I slamed the fridge door dramatically.

"Oh no"

"Ayden just lis..."

"No I don't want to listen anything you want to tell me about that okay?"

"But what if he is alive? You were looking for him for so long."

"Exactly. I was looking for him for so long and I didn't find a thing. I- I just..." It hurts when you lost someone you love but the thing that hurts the most is thinking they are alive when they are not. "I just don't want to get my hopes up." Steve just looked at me. I saw a pitty in his eyes and that's the last thing I wanted so I just shrugged it off. "Please let's just close that subject okay?"

He nodded. "Nice shirt" he said.

"Yeah, yeah all the other ones are in the washer. Now let's go to the lab I got some pretty interesting things to show you." We got to the lab that is by the way behind my closet and that's the coolest thing ever. I feel like batman. Except I got much better computers. "So the gem is definetly something else. The radiation is high and for now I know that it has to do something with timetravel."

"But why would Potts need that?"

"Well if, and I mean one big if, he figures out how to use it he can litreally do whatever he wants."

"So you are saying that he can messed up our lives."

"I'm saying he can delete our lives."

"So that means we have to steal the gem...again." He said. 'Aww it's so cute when he is trying to talk like a scientist.'

"Nah, he's pretty stupid. He will need about a year to figure it out." I said with a smirk. Steve wanted to say something but his phone rang.

"I have to go. Call me if you discover something else." And with that he went out.

'I wonder who called him that he suddenly had to go. No no it's his life it's not my buisness... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that was funny.'

"VIC let me hear Steve's conversation." I said to my A.I.

"Miss I don't think Mr Rogers would like that."

„Oh come on I haven't done anything fun since... yesterday. Hurry up I'm getting bored.“

„As you wish“ And with that Steve's conversation popped up on my screen. I looked at my desk and saw a box of Oreos. 'So that's where they were. Oh I love my life'

"Did you tell her?" said the voice that I recognised as 'Mr Arghh and Furious' yep thats my new contact name for him. Wait I hate my life. Steve just left me for Fury. How dare he!!!'

"I couldn't."

"Rogers I want you to tell her as soon as possible."

"Well what do you want from me Nick to come to her and say: Hey you know what your dad is actually alive and we've been hiding him from you for 7 years." I froze. I couldn't even process those words. He's alive. They knew. He knew. Seven years. H-How, W-What, N-No. No it can't be true. He would tell me right. He wouldn't left me just like that. He would... Everything started spinning. Black dots started appearing in the corners of my eyes but I couldn't care less. He is actually alive. I should cry right? I shoud be happy or sad or betrayed or lucky or excited or whatever but i don't. I-I don't feel anything.

„Miss your heart rate is high you might wanna...“ But it was too late. I passed out. It was too late...

A/N Yep here you go another chapter. I'll probably do another one today.

As always vote,comment, tell me what do you think and see you in the next chapter...

Bye bye👋✌...

Bye bye👋✌

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