10: I'm going to hell

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"Sooo what do you know about that gem thing?" Dad asked me. We were in our (his) lab in Malibu. I showed him my research and told him about Potts gem.

"Well for now I know that it has something to do with time travel. And that's soo awesome." I said excitingly. He looked at me seriously and raised an eyebrow. "I mean yea that's a bummer. Um... so yea something to do with that. I figured that Potts probably want it to erase our existence. But with the speed he is working now he will probably need about a century to figure how to do it."

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" He asked staring at the gem. I nodded crossing my arms.

"We figure it out before he does and then go to the 40's and make Steve a pink shield."

"But before that we make sure we're the one who invented pizza."



We worked the whole day trying to figure it out and we were already way ahead of Potts. Around 11PM dad stopped working. "Okaaaay bed timee!" I looked at him confused.

"A what time?!?"

"Time to go to bed."

"Why would I have to go to bed." I asked him getting back to work. He started going upstairs.

"You have school tomorrow." He murmured that I barely heard him.

"Whoa whoa whoa..." I said dramatically standing up from my chair with my finger in the air. He came back and took out his phone from his pocket to show me a video. It was some guy boy thing in a red suit stoping a car crashing into a bus.

"That kid goes by the name Spiderman." he said putting his phone back in his pocket. I burst out laughing at the silly name. "He is a..." Dad tried to continue but I burst out laughing again.

"Sorry sorry... but what do I have to with that? Just call an exterminator." I chuckled again.

"He is 15 and I think the kid's got potential. So I want you to go to his school and keep an eye on him."

"But I finished school two years ago..." I whined.

"No buts Friday will woke you up tomorrow."


"I said no buts." he yelled from upstairs. I sighed turn off computers and followed him in hope to talk him into not sending me to school. It didn't work...


I was walking along the meadow and then I saw it... A beautiful, extrordinary, marvelous... Oreo package with three layers of cream... It was growing on a blue tree. I took one package and started to open it. I took it in my hands and tried to put it in my mouth but somehow I couldn't do it. I tried again and still nothing. Come on!!! All of a sudden I heard something it was a song. It was a...a...a... Everything around me started to dissappear. I opened my eyes and realize I was in my bed and it was all a dream. NOOOOOOOO... The damn song was still playing. It was Ironman song. Seriously anything, anything but that.

"Good morning miss it's..."

"Yea yea I don't care what is weather like to me it's cloudy cause I will never taste those Oreos."

"Very well Miss. Mr Stark is waiting for you in the kitchen."

"Tell him I'll be there in five." I washed my teeth and put on my red hoodie, some jeans and red converse. I enter the kitchen and see dad typing something on his phone. "Mornin' pops"

"Mornin' " he answered. I saw pancakes on the table for which I know he probably ordered cause I saw his food before. I dig into it hoping to finally forget about those Oreos.

"So I guess I won't be going to school with my real name. What's the fake one?"

"Well, Antonia Lewis..." he said using my ex fake name. "I think you can keep your real name so I just put Lewis as your last name."

"Hmmm... Ayden Lewis... Sounds good. Maybe I could find a guy whose actual name is Lewis so I could keep that." I said. He looked up from his phone and raised an eyebrow.

"Make that in two hundred years."

"So I need to frezee myself like Steve did..."

"Shut up." he said obviously embarassed that I outsmarted him. "Your books are by the door I'm waiting for you in the car." he said getting up and going in the garage.

"When will I get my own license?" I yelled to him.

"Three hundred years after you find that Lewis guy." He yelled back. I took my bag with books in it and made my way to the garage and the car he was in.

"So you think everyone will just ignore the fact that some new girl came to school in a Lamborgini ridden by Ironman?" I asked while we were getting on the street.

"Well I put in your school profile that I'm your uncle." he said.

"So Howard Stark had a daughter that no one ever knew existed?" I asked wondering how the hell is this guy a genius.

"No... He had an adoptive daughter that no one ever knew existed." I rolled my eyes at that.

"Well that's realistic."

We pulled in a driveway in front of the school. Kids were already watching us in awe.

"So what's the Spiderboy's name?"

"Peter Parker." he said "Just keep an eye on the kid. Don't let him get into any trouble and try to make him trust you enough to tell you his secret."

"Easy." I simply said while preparing myself to get out. "Now give me your sunglasses." I said.

"What?!?" He asked confused.

"Last time I was in high school I didn't have any reputation cause I was like 12 but now I want it so give me your glasses and put on some cool music for my cool entrance." I said taking his glasses off. He sighed and do as I told him. I started opening the door when he grabbed my elbow to stop me.

"I just... I wanted to tell you that... Um... I-I love you kid." He said losing the grip on my elbow.

"I know that daddy." I sadi smiling. I got out of the car (in a cool way) and make my way to the hell people usually call school...

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