Chapter 6

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"Okay now I totally get the appeal of living on the beach," Lauren said as she laid on her back, the sun hitting right over her as she bathed herself in its heat.

"You say that every time you come over," Ally laughed, turning to her side to look at her friend.

"I mean it every time I come over, but then I remember the price," The brunette smirked to herself and sighed, readjusting her legs so they were propped up.

"It's not too terrible," Ally said, knowing of some decently priced properties nearby.

"You and Dev share the place. I could hardly afford a place like this in Miami let alone LA with its prices jacked up the way they are," The brunette said past a laugh, shaking her head.

"I wish we stuck together long enough to get that house," Ally said dreamily, remembering the property the girls were interested in buying while they were on their break before the North American portion of their 7/27 tour. It was located in the hills and was huge. But life happened so that house never came into their possession.

"This is way nicer than that place," Lauren says, hiding the fact that she too wishes they got the house.

"I know. I just miss having you girls around all the time."

"Mommy, DJ and Dev are gonna bury me!" Reagan said, running up to her mom and aunt as water droplets rolled down her tanned skin. Lauren propped herself up on her elbows and laughed lightly, fixing her sunglasses over her head.

"Are they? Make sure not to get any sand in your mouth," She cautioned, laughing again at the face Reagan made.

"Eww, sand tastes yucky!" The little girl demanded, squealing as Dinah scooped her up and blew a raspberry on her stomach.

"You used to eat it when you were a baby," Dinah stated, releasing the squirming child.

"Did not."

"Did too."

"Did not."

Before Dinah could throw back her response, Camila came up to the group, Normani following while Eric went towards Devon who was digging the hole to put Reagan in.

"Hey, can I speak to you guys for a minute? It's kind of important," Camila began warily, playing with her fingers. She was clearly unsure of where she stood in the group relation.

"Sure," Dinah said with a shrug, moving to pick up Reagan again.

"Do you think that she can stay with the guys? It's a bit more business related," The brunette said, stopping her friend from lifting the child.

"Up to Lauren," Dinah said with a shrug, the Polynesian handing off the torch to the brunette.

"Umm," Lauren began, glancing at Devon and Eric. She could trust Devon. Eric on the other hand...

"Devon can watch her, Lo. She'll be fine for a few minutes," Ally assured her friend, already standing up and placing a beach chair over the corner of her towel so it wouldn't blow away.

"Okay. Yeah, fine," The brunette said, shaking her head as she also got up and moved to Reagan. "Baby, stay with Dev and only go in the water with him, okay? He's in charge while mommy goes and talks to your aunts."

"Okay. Bye, mommy," The little one said, tugging Lauren's hand so then she would bend down and get a goodbye kiss.

"Be good," With that the five women ventured back towards the beach house, Dinah working quickly to dry herself with her towel and remove as much wet sand as she could from her legs.

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