Chapter 16

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"Oh my god, twitter is going crazy!" Devon said, running into the living room where all the girls were. He had been out walking Tucker when he checked his twitter feed and found the latest trend taking number 1.

"Really?" Normani asked, closing Instagram and opening Twitter.

#FifthHarmonyBeautifulCreatures greeted each girl, making their eyes widen at the 300.0K tweets putting it in that place. They had just released their entire album and were set to tour in a month, hitting South America first on June 4th.

"People are already buying tickets," Ally gasped, looking at the concert venues in South America that were already packing up.

"The Beautiful Creatures tour is going to be so sick," Dinah said, high fiving Reagan who wasn't really paying attention but complied with hitting the hand.

"Mila, what's the D chord again?" Reagan asked her aunt as she sat in her lap, the guitar of Camila placed over the both of them.

"Like this, Wild Thing," Camila quickly adjusted the child's fingers before looking to the group. She saw Lauren stare at her phone, her eyebrows furrowing for a moment before she shut off the device and put it aside. "Everything alright?"

"Just fine," Lauren responded to Camila, smiling fakely before she ran her hands over her jeans and stood up. "I'm going upstairs for a bit," The woman said in a strained voice.

Once Lauren was out of the room Ally spoke up. "What's wrong with her?"

"I think I know," Normani said, finally hitting the line up of tweets that were far from pleasant. She instantly reported them and tossed her phone aside as well, suddenly remembering just how screwed up some people were.

"What were they?" Camila asked, chewing her lower lip in worry.

"Some people were just making nasty comments. It's been a while since we've had to deal with hate," Normani stated, earning nods from the others.

"I'm going to check on her. Niñita, continue practicing that chord," Camila instructed the small girl who nodded and continued running her stubby fingers over the strings messily.

Camila went upstairs and found Lauren laying on her bed looking at the ceiling, her eyes shiny with tears as she desperately chewed the inside of her cheek.

"Hey," The small brunette said, her words delicate.

"Some sick bastards were making death threats to Reagan," Lauren said bluntly, cutting right to the chase as to why Camila was there. "How could people make such disgusting comments about a five-year-old? They don't even know her!" The woman openly broke down, her body shaking with sobs as her panic peaked.

"Hey Lauren, shh, breathe," Camila said quickly, knowing her friend's panic attacks from past encounters.

"She's a baby and people- they just-" Camila suddenly placed herself over Lauren, remembering how the emerald eyed girl needed to feel grounded when she panicked. The brunette had discovered that by placing her bodyweight over Lauren she was helping calm her.

"Baby, breathe. Please calm down," Camila whispered, running her hands over Lauren's hair as she looked down at the woman.

"Why do I always screw up when it comes to Reagan?" Lauren asked, her tears falling quickly.

"When have you ever screwed up with that girl? She's incredible, Lo."

"I can't give her what she wants, Camz. She wants to play guitar and I put her in cello, she wants to bike and I get her into surfing lessons. Fuck, the kid wants two parents and I can't find someone to fit that position."

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