85) ascetic

19 1 0



characterized by or suggesting the practice of self-discipline and abstention from all forms of indulgence, typically for religious reasons


a person who practices severe self-discipline and abstention


I'm re-reading And I Darken by Kiersten White (I reviewed it in Bookish Thoughts if you want to check it out) and I'm paying more attention to the religious side this time. The book is mostly set in the Ottoman Empire during the 1400s (they practice Islam), so this word was brought up. Some characters were born into Islam, are converting, or are against it.

I'm not religious, considering myself to be agnostic leaning toward atheist. Still, religions of all kinds are very interesting to me, because that mindset seems so foreign to me. My family consists mostly of non-practicing Catholics and Baptists, so I've only ever seen religion take up people's daily lives as a sort of afterthought or background. Building your life around your religious beliefs is something I completely don't understand.

My view, and I hope the general consensus, is that people should support others' religious endeavors as long as they're not hurting themselves or others or spreading hate, and it makes them happy and fulfilled.


Written:  8.28.2017

Posted:  11.11.2017

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