99) sojourn

14 1 0


formal, noun

a temporary stay

formal, verb

stay somewhere temporarily


I think a lot of books, especially book series, include portions where the main character is in a sojourn. (e.g. The Golden Trio camping out in the woods.) For this reason, I think this is a good word to know and keep in mind as a reader and writer. I can especially imagine this as a title of a book, story, part, or chapter. 

This is the second to last chapter of this book, and I'm pretty nervous to pick a word for the last chapter. Let me know if you have something in mind.

Also, let me know if you'd like me to continue doing this or something like this after the 100th word. I think it's a good use of my time and it obviously expands my mind and vocabulary, but I've been having trouble coming up with new words that I like and have something to say about. I will certainly consider some kind of continuation or sequel if it's requested, though.


Written:  3.3.2018

Posted:  3.3.2018

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