88) forsooth

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indeed (often used ironically or to express surprise or indignation)


I don't have much to say about this, to be honest, but I wanna include it anyway. I was in a live class the other day, and there's a chatbox where people respond to the teacher. Some kid put this word in the chatbox to say yes to the teacher about something. I promptly Googled it, and now we're here.

It was quite a time writing this, though. I couldn't remember what the word was, so I checked my history. Then I remembered that I searched it up on my school computer, not my personal one. Hope this is worth all that effort.


Written:  11.18.2017

Posted:  12.11.2017


I plan to officially end Words to Inspire and Think About That when they have reached their 100th chapter (excluding introductions and authors notes). After that, I plan to start two new books in a similar style. I have a few ideas and I wanted to see what you all think.

1.) Analysis of interesting/underrated historical figures

2.) Analysis of people doing interesting things today (YouTubers, activists, etc)

3.) Rants/random thoughts/something I know a lot about that I really want to discuss

*I'm also open to ideas from you all!

In addition, I'm toying with the idea of starting a few entirely new things.

1.) Movie/TV show/anime review in the same style as Bookish Thoughts

2.) Newsletter/regular updates about me and my works (let me know if weekly or monthly would be better, or if I should post it here to show up in your email or in a new book)

Please let me know what you think, in whatever way suits you!  

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