Chapter 9

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Author's note: Okay, as I told you, our story is ain't over yet! Haha. You guys will still be knowing new characters to spice up this story. And I know how some of you wants to slap Angelie's face. I bet you guys would think of double-ing that slap you wanna give her after this and the next upcoming chapters :)) For Nick's fans, don't worry, his part is not yet over. :) I just finished encoding this chapter. It's not that long but I made sure it's heavy. :) Please pardon me with my typographical error. I'll try to fix em all soon ^_^ ENJOY! :)


The morning came and they just started the day happily going back to reality. Toff had to attend some appointments and so as Clarisse. Being a public figure is ain't that easy at their age knowing that they're still homeschooled due to their job and has to attend meetings and everything.  They haven't stated any reactions going back to the issue about their break up. Instead, they acted like nothing went wrong as cute celebrity couples. Another busy week passed and it's just 5 more days to go before Toff's 18th birthday.

-Rissey's P.O.V.-

I can't believe I just got through another busy week. Mom & dad visited me just for 3 days and got back home. I wish they stayed longer. But i'm happy they already knew about me and Toff. Oh wait, speaking of him, he's turning 18 in 5 days. He'll probably be inviting some co stars at his party. I'm still thinking of what can I give him for his 18th birthday knowing that he seemed to already have everything he could ask for. I sat down on my dining table as I took a bite of an apple I got from the fridge then I heard my phone ringing. It was a call from Toff.

"Hey handsome."

"Hey gorgeous."

"Hmmwhaz up?"

"Nothing much. Just wanna check how is my future wifey goin." he answered.

"Really huh? Well she's doing good and got nothing to do today for it's a rest day for me. Hmm guess you wanna come over and make her feel better?" I said happilly.

"Sure. That would be great. I'll be there on 3. I'll now go get my keys for i'm so excited to see my love. Alright. Bye. See you later. I love you."

"Hmmkay babe, I love you too." Then put my phone down.

I turned my tv on while waiting for Toff to come. Then I finally heard a knock at the door and opened it up for him. He smiled as he looks into my face when I opened the door. He's wearing a white and red button down plaid shirt paired with a dark jeans and a white Converse sneakers .

"Hi." He smirked.

"Hello there. Come on in babe." I replied smiling. Then me held my waist and smelled me through my neck and whispered. "I missed your smell." I let out a silent moan and put my hands into his arms.

We walked into my living room to watch a movie. I am sitting beside him at the sofa as I leaned my head into his chest. We were in complete silence but our feeling is mutual that we don't need much talk for us to feel the love that's between us. I started  a connversation.

"Hmm. Well I guess someone's gonna turn a year older and legal in 5 days." I looked up to him and he kissed my hair and said. "Yeah. And your next after 4 months." He replied. "And by the way, I guess I don't need a party to celebrate my birthday."

"Why not?"

"Let's just say I just want to spend that day with a very special person in my life. I used to always celebrate my birthday with parties and get along with other people just like me. But this time I want a difference. I want it with you." Then he put his lips into mine softly.

I blushed. "Aww. Why are you so sweet. Hmm. How do you want do celebrate it with me then? What's your plan?" 

"Secret." He winked.

We spent the rest of the day together until he got home at around 10pm. He wanted to sleep over but we both have to leave early in the morning for work as usual. I was surprised to hear him say that he wants to celebrate his day with me. I felt really happy about that. We'll be attending a party at a house of Toff's friend a night before his day. 

I still wonder what is he planning for his day..

-Toff's P.O.V.-

My 18th is coming in 4 days. The truth is I planned of taking Clarisse into a surprise trip with me back to our old hometown at Brentwood. I just want to feel like a normal person just like the old times when we are still young and is ain't yet living with spotlights, cameras and a thousands of eyes on us with her. I'm pretty excited. Stan, my friend, one of the actors I whom worked with the last movie i'm in invited me to come over his party with Clarisse. I actually don't want to go because I know and I am sure that Angelie's going to be there and I can't act like I still treat her my friend knowing that I don't and I won't. But if i'll be going, I know I have to hardly act nice.

Another thing is... I'm thinking of how will Angelie and Clarisse would react if they'll both be seeing each other. Why is our job has to be this hard? I know that it's my dream of being a singer and actor just like what am I now. I admit i'm happy i've reached it and it felt good that I managed to enjoy my fame and helped my parents and relatives. But I just realized that being like this was never easy and will never be. There are a lot of complications, no privacy, no freedom and to live in a world full of pretentions just like even acting like what you're not in real life. 

Angelie's P.O.V.

Well, well, well.. It seems like i'll be having a lot of fun on Friday night before Toff's 18th birthday on Stan's party. I heard that Nick's going to be there too. It looks like he wants Clarisse but just can't say it to her because he's just a new friend he knows that she's inlove with Toff. Stan was a pretty close friend of Nick and Stan accidentaly spilled Nick's little secret to me as I talked to him last night. He didn't mean to tell me. Looks like he got hypnotized my with my charm. And I feel sorry for them about it. Hmm.

Nick's P.O.V.

Stan is having a party this coming Friday night. Guess he invited Toff & Clarisse. It's fine with me since Clarisse is a good friend and Toff is her boyfriend and I also know him though Idon't really get to talk to him. The only thing I am worrying about was Angelie's presence. I know she'll be there to mess up. Knowing her way back from years ago. She really is a bitch. But i'll try to keep an eye with her for Clarisse and Toff's relationship. I'll try to tell Stan about this matter. Toff and Clarisse really loves each other and I am happy for them. I admit I have feelings for Clarisse but after seeing how she acted when she saw the pic of Toff and Angelie, I can see pure sadness and loneliness in her eyes. It made my heart ache. She really loves Toff more than she could love anyone.


I know it's really short. I'm sorry about that and with my spelling mistakes. I'm having a hard time encoding this because I don't have Microsoft Word installedon my laptop. :( I hope u understand.

ANYWAY, what do you think will happen at Stan's party on friday night knowing that Angelie is going to be there. And what's gonna happen on Toff's 18th and his plan of taking a trip back to Brentwood the next day?

:)) Thanks for my supportive readers and for those who left their advices and comments to help me improve and compliment on my writing. That helped me a lot. :) You made me feel inspired in making this story. :))) Thanks again:)) I'll be uploading the next chapter when I finished encoding it. :) <3

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