Chapter two

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Someone came to the door and it was Sasuke. "Uhhh there you are Sasuke we were wondering where you were" Sakura said "YEAH where were you were you just sitting here making noise" Naruto said. Right when Naruto and Sakura were talking to Sasuke Karian Jugo and Suigetso all came rushing to the door to see what was going on. "Ohhh wait a minute Sasuke earlier today when you were taking a nap you were talking in your sleep about this yellow haired uzamaki" Karian said. "SHUT UP Karian" " you said that you wish you could cuddle with a yellow haired uzamaki" Sakura and Naruto's jaws both dropped. "Ok im going back to the room" Naruto said Sakura was also heading back. When they got back to the room Itachi was in the shower then Naruto and Sakura could not belive what they were seeing. 🎶I really want to cuddle with Naruto🎶. Naruto dropped on the ground after Tobi heard the sound of a person dropping on the floor he stopped and saw Sakura and Naruto he stopped in embaressment and dropped. Itachi came and then said "what's going on here" Sakura told Itachi everything. Itachi put Naruto into a emty room so Naruto could rest Tobi was taking a shower and then Naruto got up to use the bathroom. But when he walked in Tobi was naked.

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