Chapter thirteen

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When Naruto was done with the rice balls and ramen he made for Obito and him Naruto and Obito sat down to eat. And they were quiet at first then Obito spoke up "so what school are you going to for next year after summer break?" "hmmm i was thinking Konaha University" "oh me too!" "Thats awesome we could go there to geather" Naruto said in exciment. "Yes Naruto perfect idea and i love your food thank you so much for letting me stay over night it will be so much fun" Obito was really exited to be with Naruto for the night. Naruto and Obito finished there food and were stuffed. "Oh you know the video games we bought lets go play them in my room" Naruto said "Oh deffently" Obito answered. Naruto walked Obito to his room and got the video games out Naruto had posters of girls, video games, and pictures of fun times that he took pictures of Obito was in all of them. they set up the wii put new batteries in the wii and put in there favorite CD Nintendo land then they did a contest. When they finished the game it was a tie "Hey Obito your pretty good" "huh oh well your good too" Obito said rubbing his neck then they both flunked down on the bed(love YAOI) then for some reason they both turned there heads to look at each other and then were too close then kissed then started to make out. They moved farther up the bed then they started to strip each other. They were both naked kissing and basicly having sex. (i dont usally like to explain sex but i kinda am but not really) Then they started to just rest still naked blushing very very red. They grabbed there cloths and put them on for bed. They got into the same bed kissed then Naruto holding Obitos hand. Naruto fell right asleep Obito lay awake.

Now this one is my favorite yay i love making these hope you liked it

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Now this one is my favorite yay i love making these hope you liked it.

Now this one is my favorite yay i love making these hope you liked it

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