Chapter Seven // Broken (pt. 2)

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Henlo and welcome to part 2!
Sorry I have to address something first, so please read.
I read all of the comments from part 1 about all of you guys' (and gals) sexuality and I just wanted to say that I am happy that you guys have identified yourself. Even if you are not out to your family or family. Or if you're out to your friends. Even if you ARE out. I just wanted to say that I am proud of you all and hope you continue to be true to yourself and dont let those
h o m o p h o b e s
Put you down. Just be you! I hope it all ends well ❤

It's getting harder to come to the terms with the fact that I'm not fine."

Still Keiths POV

Lance wandered the castle for a while before spotting Coran in the observatory.

"Oh! Uhh. Hey, Coran..?"

"Yes, my boy?" Coran looked up from where he was working on a Cyropod.

"Uhh, I know you are busy but could I ask you something...?"

"Of course!" Coran continued his work.

"Okay..,," Lance sat down and took a deep breathe,

"I don't understand why I am here Coran. I don't think I was meant to sneak out that night. I mean, what do I even do here? What do I contribute to the team? Pidge has a thing. Her brain. Hunk is a great chef and mechanic. He is such a good person, he always makes people feel better. Shiro. He's the leader for God's sake! He knows the galra. Keith,"

Lance paused as a sad look clouded his bright eyes. He chuckled sadly before continuing,

"Keith. Well, he's perfect! He does everything so perfectly. He's so much better than me. At EVERYTHING! No wonder he is Shiro's favorite,

You and Allura are the LAST ALTEANS! I mean, you know all about this war! Allura is a princess of Altea! And what do I do? Pilot the blue lion? Anyone could do that! I love blue, but she is so accepting I feel like she just picked me because she didn't want to burden the other lions with me. I was the only choice."

"Coran. Am I replaceable? A seventh wheel? What is my purpose? What am I doing here!?" Lance got more upset, and rubbed the tears that fell down his face.


Coran jumped, "Oh! Sorry, my boy, I was working on this cryopod here! Could you please repeat that?"

Lance froze.

Lance smiled.

"No problem, Coran, it's not anything important! Anyways, it's getting late. I should be heading for bed. Goodnight!"

Lance left.

I sighed, frustrated. I know I can't control how Lance feels but I want to know why so I can prevent it. I don't want him to feel this way.

Constantly hiding behind a facade. It must be hard.

Suddenly I was yanked from the halls and into current time.

I squeezed my eyes shut at the sudden light. People were calling my name, but I couldn't quite tell who was who, for there was a ringing in my ear.


"Keith are you okay!"

"Keith where were you!"


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