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~Author's Note~
Sorry for the late update but I'm not really into this story and why write when you can read updates to buckinforever's Missing You and JustAFlockOfBirds' Broken Dreams.

Speaking of updates, hi TroubledMidnight and MotherfuckinBuckin42 and mjveleven

"In you I see,
Someone special,
You've got fire in your eyes and when you realize,
You'll go further than we've ever gone,
Just turn it on"
-Miracles (Someone Special)

March 2nd, 2017
A knock at the door woke Chris from his light slumber. He grinned, knowing exactly who was at the door.

He jumped up and didn't bother to put on any trousers. "Hello, Jonny Boy!" He greeted, a tired-looking Jonny standing at the door. He was dressed in a blue jumper, and he was wearing a gray beanie, covering up his head. "Aw, you look exhausted, love."

Jonny chuckled. "I am. I got no sleep on the plane."

"Here, come inside. It's freezing out here." He took Jonny's guitar and set it by the door of closet and watched his boyfriend plop down on the couch with a small thud.

"How was your flight, J?"

Jonny sighed. "Exhausting. I wasn't able to sleep at all."

Chris sat down beside him and wrapped him in a hug. "Aw, does that mean no sexy time?" He asked with a smirk.

Jonny chuckled. "You know I'm always up for that."

"But you're tired, love. You don't perform as well when you're tired," Chris whined.

Jonny laughed. "But I don't wanna sleep. It's your birthday!"

Chris rested his head on Jonny's chest and closed his eyes. "I'd be fine with a nap."

Jonny sighed. "Since when are you sleepy?"

"Since your chest was my pillow."

It had become a well known fact that Chris always became very tired when Jonny was his headrest. He always seemed to sleep better when he was next to Jonny, whether that was on the plane, or in bed.

Jonny chuckled and kissed Chris' head. "Alright, quick nap, then we can go do something, right? I mean, it is your birthday."

"That's right, Jonny Boy. My birthday, which means we're gonna do what I want."

"Ergh, you win." They chuckled and intertwined fingers. "I love you, Chris. Did you know that?"

Chris smiled and laid back further as Jonny laid down properly on the couch. He looked up at Jonny's shining, green eyes and touched his lips gently with two fingers, reminding himself of the pain he had experienced back before they had gotten together. "I know, but I still love it when you tell me." Jonny kissed his fingers, and Chris pulled off the man's beanie before resting his large hand atop Jonny's head.

"Go to sleep, weirdo," Jonny chuckled.

Chris smiled. "Don't tell me what to do," he teased, groggily.

"I do what I want."

They laughed, and it wasn't much later before they were asleep, Chris wrapped in Jonny's loving embrace, his head on the taller man's chest, and their fingers intertwined. They were awoken what seemed like minutes later by the doorbell.

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