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"You're always in my head
You're always in my head
You're always in my head
Always in my, always in my
This I guess is to tell you you're chosen,
Out from the rest"
-Always in my Head

September 11th, 2016
It was a busy day for the birthday boy. He promised probably too many people that he would see them that day, but of course, his kids and Chris were his priorities. He woke up at seven, greeted by his two children who had stayed overnight (hence why Chris didn't).

"Happy birthday, Daddy!" Violet squealed, bouncing on her father's stomach. Little Jonah did the same, but he was a bit further down his body, and his hand accidentally fell onto the man's private region.

"Oof!" Jonny called out, his hands moving to cover his privates.

"Sorry, Daddy," little Jonah said, moving off of his dad like his sister.

"It's... fine," Jonny replied, sitting up and wincing in pain. "Just give me a few minutes," he chuckled.

Guiltily, his children shuffled out of his bedroom to wait for breakfast. After a few minutes, he stood up, still a bit out of it, and walked into the kitchen. He sniffled, and realized that he was getting a cold. Great, just what I needed on my birthday, he thought.

"What do you want to eat?" He asked groggily.

"Waffles!" Jonah said. "You make good waffles, Daddy!"

Jonny chuckled. "What about you, Vi?"

"Waffles are too much work for Daddy, Jonah. It's his birthday! Let's make our own food today."

"Oh no. Don't you remember the last time you made your own food?" Jonny asks, remembering how the kitchen had taken an hour to clean up afterwards.

Violet blushed. "We'll clean up!" She tried.

Jonny shook his head. "No more of that. I'll just make some waffles."


"Aw, but you shouldn't be working today, Daddy. You're 39 today!"

Jonny shrugged. "Well, that's what happens when you become an adult. You have to work on your birthday."

"That sounds awful!" Jonah said, sticking his tongue out.

Jonny chuckled. "It is! Don't ever grow up, kids."

"Don't worry, Daddy! I won't!" Jonah replied, sticking his finger up his nose.

While he made his children their breakfast, he got a phone call. "Hello?" He answered, keeping his eye on the waffles, and smiffled.

"Good morning, Jonny! Happy birthday, love."

Jonny smiled and sniffled again. Blasted cold. "Thanks, Chris, but you couldn't wait until later to tell me? I'm a bit busy at the moment."

Chris sighed. "Yeah, I'm sorry, Jonny, but I can't make it over tonight."

The guitarist's face fell. "Oh. Why not?"

"Mum heard that I was in town and needs me to come help her move."

"That has to be today?"

"She only rented the moving truck for today. I'm sorry, J. I know it's your birthday, but-"

"It's fine," Jonny snapped, and sniffled again.

"Are you feeling alright, J? You sound sick."

"Just a cold is all. It's fine."

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