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"Bones, sinking like stones,
All that we fall for,
Homes, places we've grown,
All of us are done for"
-Don't Panic

January 1st, 2017
"Happy New Year, Jonny Boy!" Chris laughed, before reaching over and kissing his boyfriend square on the lips.

Awes grew in the room full of the band and crew members, until Guy broke their kiss with a blaring, "EW!" They all cracked up laughing and Chris gave Guy the finger before finding Jonny's lips again.

When they pulled away, Chris immediately took the opportunity to grab a slice of cake. Jonny chuckled. "I'm hurt that chocolate cake is more important than me," he teased.

Will laughed. "Knowing Chris, chocolate cake is probably number one on his priority list!"

A murmur of chuckles swarmed the room. "It's a wonder he's not 400 pounds!" A crew member shouted playfully.

"Ah, shut up, Graham!" Chris shouted back, laughing.

Guy opened a sparkling bottle of champagne, and everyone at the party cheered. "Here's to a great year!" Guy shouted, holding up the champagne.

"Cheers!" Chris shouted, and everyone cheered again.

"Hey, Guy, kiss Will!" A crew member shouted.

"What? No way, mate!" Guy replied. Will chucked nervously.

"Ah come on! Marianne won't mind!" Jonny shouted. Even Marianne laughed.

Guy blushed. "Yeah, but... Keisha..." Everyone stared at him with a begging look. "Ah, why the fuck not?" Guy grabbed Will and kissed him passionately, making the audience cheer and the two blokes blush like a tomato.

"How was it, Guy? Eh?" Chris asked playfully, nudging his friend's chest with his elbow.

The two blushed. "Erm... it wasn't so bad, actually."

Will blushed harder and laughed nervously. "Er... yeah. Guy isn't such a bad kisser."

"It's from all those years of fucking those girls!" Phil said with a laugh.

"Ah.. sure. We'll go with that."

Guy and Will shared a look, before Will walked over and grabbed Marianne. She laughed and put her hands on his hips before kissing her husband sweetly. "Too bad Keisha wasn't here to see that," Phil laughed, slightly disappointed.

"Yeah? Well if Lara was here, then I would have made you kiss Will," Guy said, slightly annoyed at the increasing amounts of red in his face.

"Don't be a wanker, Guy! Besides, we all know that you and Will have a secret thing for each other," Chris said.

Guy groaned. "Whatever. At least Will and I can actually hide our love," he said, finally playing along. Will blushed.

"Don't give him any ideas, Guy! Next thing you know, Chris will be announcing to the whole world that we're getting married in August or something," Will said, laughing.

Chris smiled. "Now that you've mentioned it, that sounds like a great idea."

"Don't you dare, you fucking wanker!" Guy shouted, and Chris, Jonny, and Phil all laughed.

"Guy loves Will!" Phil shouted, and Guy angrily walked out of the room.

"Ah, the wimp," Will said, shaking his head.

"I'll go find him," Jonny announced, running out to find the bassist.

"Guy?" Jonny called out into the hallway.

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