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"We don't need words,
We'll be birds"

July 23rd, 8:15 AM
"Get up, J! We're gonna miss our flight!"

Little Jonny groans and rolls over in his bed. "No," he groans.

Chris giggles and picks him out of the covers. "We've gotta make it to the airport by nine or Phil is going to kill us." He puts Jonny on his feet and groans in annoyance when the boy crawls right back into the bed with a giggle.

"Jonnyyyyyy, come on."

Jonny shook his head. "I want to sleep."

"Do you act like this for your mum every day when she wakes you up for school?" Chris asks, the annoyance showing on his face and in his tone.

"Yes, but Mummy lets me sleep in more."

"Well, we don't have time." He picks Jonny up again and carries him to the bathroom. "Here's your toothbrush. Brush your teeth and use the toilet. I'll help you with your hair when you're finished."

Jonny crosses his arms. "But I wanna sleep!"

"And I want the world to be at peace," he says with an eye roll. "We can't get everything we want."

The blonde humphs. "You're a meanie!" He shouts and slams the bathroom door closed.

Chris just groans and rolls his eyes. There's a knock at his door, and a concerned Will stands in front of him. "You haven't left yet?" Chris asks him.

Will shakes his head. "Not yet. What's going on in here? Is everything ok?"

"We're fine, Jonny is just being a bit of a struggle for me this morning."

Will chuckles. "Guess he's never been a morning person."

An angry, high-pitched shout cuts off their conversation. "OW!" Chris groans again, and then they hear crying. "Chris! The hairbrush is stuck in my hair!"

"Jonny, I told you I'd do that for you."

"I don't want your help!" He replies, his voice quivering with anger and tears.

"Someone's cranky," Will chuckles.

Chris scoffs. "No fucking kidding."

Another sob and Will steps in, knocking on the bathroom door of the hotel room. "Jonny, would you like my help?"

Chris smiles. "Because you know so much about hair."

Will makes a face at Chris, who laughs. "Yes, Teddy Will! But please don't let Chris in here!"

Chris rolls his eyes. "Better hurry, Will. Phil will kill us if we miss our flight, especially with Jonny like this."

Will laughs. "Don't worry, it'll be fine."

After a few minutes of tangled, blonde mess, Chris is able to take Jonny down to his car and drive him to the airport just in time nick of time. Jonny's car is left sitting in a parking lot, all of his valuables taken out and in Chris' possession. The boy falls asleep in the back seat, and Chris resists the temptation to stop the car and just hug him.

"Jonny, are you ready to go on an aeroplane?" Chris asks him to wake him up, taking a much gentler approach than the morning.

The child yawns, and Chris' heart soars in awe. The boy is adorable, just as his boyfriend is... was? He loves Jonny like a son now, and even though he misses his boyfriend, he still loves the boy.

"I'm sleepy," Jonny replies, making Chris chuckle.

"I know! You've had a long week, haven't you?"

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