
137 19 131

"Say my heart is my gun,
Army of one
Yeah my heart is my gun,
Army of one
Is my only weapon,
Army of one"
-Army of One

July 22nd 10:23 AM
"Shouldn't we put him in a car seat or something?"

"Well, we clearly don't have that option, now do we, Guy?"

Guy sighs. "Well, I'm just trying to help out. I don't know how children work!"

Will laughs. "Nico is lucky that Joann was around, otherwise the poor girl would never have survived!"

"Hey, I helped!"

"With what? Naps?"

Guy blushes. "I helped her with formulas and stuff, too."

Will sighs and shakes his head playfully. "Guy, you're hopeless. Where'd Jonny go?"

The two look around for the little boy, whom they find sitting on a curb, playing with a little bird. "Er... should we stop him?" Guy asks.

Will rolls his eyes. "Come on, Jonny! We're going now!"

Jonny looks up and runs to Will, who helps him into the car. "Teddy Will, the car is backwards!"

"Backwards?" He thinks for a minute, then laughs at the realization. "Oh! In America, people drive in the left side of the car instead of the right."

"Oh... why?"

Will chuckles. "I don't know, actually."

"Americans are weird!" Jonny giggles, buckling his seat belt.

"Tell me about it," Guy says with an eye roll.

"Shut up, Guy," Will teases.

Will gets into the driver's seat and started the car. "This car is fancy!" Jonny says.

Will and Guy both chuckle. "This car isn't really fancy," Guy says, and Will groans.

"Here we go again."

"If you wanna see fancy cars, I've got over a dozen of them."

"A dozen!?" Jonny squeals.

Guy nods. "Yeah! I love cars."

"Me too!" Jonny squeals, even though he really has no clue about cars, other than that they drive people around. "Can I see them?"

Guy chuckles. "Sure, lad. I'd love to show you my collection. Er... but it's back in London."

"I've been to London before," Jonny says, watching the cars and people pass by. "I think it's really big. Too big, maybe. I don't think I'd like to live there."

"Never?" Will asks.

"Well, maybe some day, when I'm married and stuff." Will and Guy share a knowing look. "Although, maybe not. I don't know!" Jonny giggles.

"A wife? Not a husband?" Will punches Guy's shoulder. "What? I'm curious!"

"Erm... I guess I could have a husband. That's ok, right?"

"Of course it's ok, Jonny!" Will says. "Guy and I are dating."

"Oh! I didn't know that," Jonny says, turning to the couple now. "Do you love Teddy Will?" He asks Guy.

Guy blushes, and Will takes his hand with a grin. "I... yes. I love Will."

Will smiles at Guy and kisses his cheek, a blush on both of their faces. "And I love you, too, Guy."

"Aw! You guys are cute!" Jonny says with a giggle.

"Thank you, Jonny," Will chuckles.

"Who is Chris' girlfriend or boyfriend?" He asks, and the tension in the car grows.

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