
117 16 64

"Give me heart,
And give me soul,
Give me love,
Give us a kiss,
Tell me all politik"

July 24th 1:56 AM
"So... Mark, this is where you'll be staying for the next few weeks," Chloe says, showing Jonny the house as they walk in.

Jonny looked around in awe. "It's so big!" He shouts.

The two kids giggle. "Our daddy says that bigger is better," the elder one informs little Jonny.

That is your dad, Chris thinks, though he would never dare to say it. He gives Chloe a look, whose face is a mix between "Good god I can't believe this is happening" and "This is actually pretty funny".

Chris just fakes a smile, as if everything is ok. "Where will Mark be staying?" He asks Chloe.

"Wait, Mark is staying with us?" Violet asks, looking from the blonde to her mum, to Chris and back to her mum. "We don't even know him!"

"He's uh.." Chris starts, but Chloe shakes her head.

"He's a distant cousin. His mum and dad are away in Wales right now, so they requested that we look after him," she finishes.

"Cousin?" Jonah asks.

"Whose son is he?" Violet asks, remembering what she learned in school about how cousins are the son or daughter of a parent's brother or sister.

"Uh... someone from your dad's side of the family," Chloe lies further.

"You mean Uncle Tim?" Violet counters.

"No... I don't know all the details."

"I have a-" Jonny's remark is cut off by Chris' hand over his mouth. Chris worries that Jonny may give himself away by telling little details about his life, such as that he has a brother named Tim, which Chris immediately recognized that it was what he was about to say.

"Why don't you kids go to bed? It's nearly two in the morning," Chris suggests.

"I'm not sleepy!" Jonah protests.

Chloe sighs. "Come on, J-Boy," she says, using her nickname for her son, which Chris loved sinply for the resemblance to his nickname for Jonny.

"I'm not sleepy either, Mum!" Violet says, her arms crossed. "I won't sleep until I get a call from Daddy!"

Chris bites his lip. "Daddy is very busy this week, Vi. Besides, he's probably sleeping."

"But I miss him!" Violet whines.

"I know, sweetheart. You'll get to see him soon," Chloe eases, picking Jonah up. "It's like he's on tour. You'll get to see him soon."

Violet groans. "Will he call tomorrow?" She asks innocently.

Chris smiles at her. "I don't know, Vi. I hope so."

Jonny looks up at Chris, clearly exhausted from jet lag. "Let's get you to bed, too, J... Mark."

"But I'm not sleepy!" He whines.

Chris smiles. "Ah, come on. Surely the jet lag wore you out."

"What's jet lag?" Jonny asks.

Chris giggles. "Come on, M. It's bedtime."

Jonny frowns at the nickname. J is way cooler sounding than M.

Chris picks up the small boy and waves goodbye to Chloe, who takes Jonah and Violet to their own beds. Chris walks the familiar path to the guest room. He recalls the lonely nights back when Jonny and Chloe were still together and Chris had to sleep in the guest room when he came to visit them.

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