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"Sleep satisfied
Sleep satisfied"
-Chinese Sleep Chant

June 21st, 2016
"Are you sure this is a good idea, Chris?"

The blue-eyed singer smiled at his boyfriend as he grabbed his coat and a bright blue scarf. "Aw, come on, J! It'll be fun! I'll finally be able to get the chance to hang out with all three of my loves." Jonny smiled slightly and Chris kissed his lips. "It's not as if you haven't hung out with them before..."

"Yeah, but it's the first time we're hanging out as a couple."

"But they don't know that!" Chris giggled.

Jonny sighed. "Chris, have you ever considered even hinting at a relationship to your kids? It's been two years! They need to know about us at some point."

Chris frowned. "Er... have you?"

Another sigh. "Yes, I have. I don't want to keep us a secret. I love you, and I love my kids, but by keeping our relationship a secret, I feel like I'm betraying my kids, you know?"

The singer sighed and looked down. "I'm just afraid of what they'll think of me."

"Aw, Chris." Jonny put his finger under his boyfriend's chin and lifted it up so that they were looking at each other. He kissed Chris' soft lips and smiled, his forehead on the other's. "You've raised a beautiful pair of children and you should be absolutely proud of them. I don't think that they would ever hate you. They love you so much, Chris, and I don't think they'd mind you being with me." He paused. "Unless of course they hate me," he finished, only half-joking.

Chris smiled. "Jonny, I think they love you even more than me! I don't think they could hate you."

They laughed. "Whatever, Christopher! I think they just think of me as that bloke who spoils them to pieces."

Chris grinned and shook his head, wrapping his arms around Jonny's waist. "You do remember that you're my daughter's godfather, right?"

Jonny laughed. "Of course! I have to spoil her!"

"Exactly!" Chris giggled. "She loves you very much!"

"Because I buy her ice cream every time I see her?"

"Yes, Jonny. Exactly. Also because your guitar has a nice sound. She wouldn't like you nearly as much if you showed up with an untuned guitar!"

Jonny laughed. "Good to know." He kissed Chris again and grabbed his own coat. "I think I'm ready now."

Chris sighed. "Me too," he whispered, and Jonny instantly knew what he was talking about.

"You are?"

The singer nodded. "The kids need to know. Even if they don't know the whole truth about us, they should at least know that I... like blokes as well as girls."

Jonny smiled encouragingly. "I'm glad to hear it, babe." He gave Chris a hug and kissed the top of his curly hair sweetly. "I love you."

"I love you, too. Shall we head out, love?"

Jonny nodded and opened the door for his boyfriend like a gentleman.

"Gwen doesn't live too far away, does she?" Jonny asked once they were both in the car.

Chris shook his head. "Only a couple blocks."

Jonny nodded. "It's good that you guys are still friends. Especially after what you did after you broke up."

The memory of that horrible night in 2014 came back to Chris, and he teared up at the thought of it. He had been so bitter and so hurt... the way he had treated Gwenyth and Jonny was terrible. He sighed and shook his head, though he didn't take his eyes off the road. "I know. I can't believe anyone forgave me."

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