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"Those who are dead are not dead,
They're just living in my head,
And since I fell for that spell,
I am living there as well"

July 27th, 3:48 PM
"You got the whore pregnant?" Will questions.

Chris sighs. "She didn't say that she was pregnant, she just said that the condom broke!"

"Um... hate to break it to you, pillock, but generally, no protection means that you're going to have a baby," Guy states in a sarcastic tone.

"Well how was I supposed to know that the condom was going to break?" Chris shouts.

Will sighs. "No one could have predicted that any of this was going to happen, but Chloe did warn you about the slut."

"Yes, I realize that it was a mistake! Jonny hates me now and I got a whore pregnant, plus, the tabloids know about it. What more do you want from me?" Chris puts his head in his hands and feels himself about to cry.

Guy sits beside Chris on his bed. "Look, Will and I can talk to Jonny for you. We can at least try to get him to talk to you, right, babe?" He assures, looking to his boyfriend for confirmation. Will nods and smiles dreamily at Guy. "As for the whore and her baby, that's a decision for you and her to make. Don't let any of us influence your decision. I'll support you no matter what you decide, ok?"

"Yeah, me too," Will adds. "I hate that bitch, but it's not about her, it's about you, Jonny, and the baby."

"Well, she's having the baby, so it is a little bit about her," Guy corrects.

Will shrugs. "Anyway, our point is that no matter what you decide, we'll understand, and we'll support you on that."

Chris nods. "Thank you, mates. I'm sorry for being such a hot-headed knobhead. I'm the worst boyfriend in history. I never deserved Jonny."

"Aw, don't say that," Will says. "You made one mistake. That doesn't make you a bad boyfriend."

Chris shrugs. "I feel like shit, man."

"As you should," Guy says. "But hey, it's not about how many times you fall down, it's about how many times you get up. It's how you come back from your failures that matters."

"Honestly, I don't even give a fuck anymore," Chris replies. "Jonny hates me now. What does it matter?" He shakes his head and plops back down on his bed. "Too bad Gwenyth isn't an option anymore," he jokes weakly.

Will sits next to Guy. "You can't give up, Chris. Think about Apple and Moses."

"I have. Of course I have. I would hate to put them in a position where suddenly they only have a mum. I would hate to do that to Gwenyth, too."

"Then stay strong, mate," Will encourages, silently locking hands with Guy. "Jonny's anger will pass. He's never been pissed for more than a day or so. I'm sure he'll realize what he's missing."

Chris sighs, and Guy wraps an arm around him. "He loves you. I know he does. You two are the ultimate couple! You can't break up!"

"Well, getting a girl pregnant isn't exactly the best thing to do in a relationship, I'd say."

"Well, no. Certainly not, but if you love Jonny as much as I think you do, you'll both get through it."

Guy smiles sympathetically at Chris. A knock at the door ruins the moment, and Guy groans, before standing up to answer the door. Standing before them is Annabelle, looking guilty and apologetic. "Hi, Guy," she whispers.

Guy groans again. "What do you want, whore?"

Will rolls his eyes, and Chris puts a pillow over his head, extremely embarrassed about everything.

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